(This Was BEFORE I GOD, "Absorbed" Satan Into MYself).
May Peace Be Upon You.
For the Devil hides his Demons by making "people" Believe that the Enemy looks a Certain Way, when "they" actually do NOT look like the Devil portrayed.
The Enemy can look like "anyone". The NAZI are NOT walking around here with a Small Cut Mustache, or a Swatzika on "their" Military Jackets.
The NAZI MENTALITY comes from the MIND. So "ANYONE" with a Brain, can be a NAZI.
How "they" look on the outside does NOT matter.
"People" believe that NAZI look like "they" do on Television.
NAZI do NOT have to be German.
"They" can be ANY COLOR, RACE or CREED.
Its just like the Devils followers, Sinners and Unbelievers who are drawing pictures of ME, GOD, Jesus Christ and The Prophet Muhammad.
To confuse the masses to believing that I GOD, Jesus Christ and The Prophet Muhammad look like the pictures "they" have drawn.
The Devil has made the Jew BLIND. The Jew CANNOT identify who a NAZI is, so I GOD AM here to help "them" out.
I GOD will take "their" (The Jews) BLINDNESS away so "they" CAN see again.
For the NAZI have built "their" CONCENTRATION CAMPS here.
So the Drug Producers, DRUG DEALERS, Drug Users and The ones who PAY FOR SEX, Can RAPE "EVERYONE" Constantly and NO ONE can ESCAPE.
NAZI have invaded this country. "They" control the Corporations, The Government pretty much everything.
You do NOT see the NAZI, for "you" only see the FALSE IMAGE, Yes, There are Wolves in Sheeps clothing here.
Look! These NAZI have enough MONEY to cover the WHOLE EARTH with Tree's that PRODUCE FRUIT so NO ONE would be HUNGRY again.
Though "they" (The NAZI) DO NOT. So "you" can stay TRAPPED IN "THEIR" CAGES, YES! the Concentration Camps!
SLAVING for "your" whole life for MONEY that is WORTHLESS, it has NO MEANING when "you" DIE.
So why are all "YOU" SLAVES wasting every day of "YOUR" lives?
NOT living life to the fullest?
Well I GOD know that there is practically NOTHING LEFT before, how it use to be (In Biblical Times).
There are NO green pastures here, NO animals, NO trees that produce fruit.
NOTHING that I God put on this Earth before, so "YOU" could ENJOY it.
The NAZI have DESTROYED it all and replaced GOD'S (MY) Creation with a Digital Image (Electronic Screens), which are also the False Image.
Since "people" CANNOT see Green Pastures, Trees Bearing Fruit, Flowers, Animals.
"They" ("People") are FORCED to see them on a digital screen.
That is the ONLY way these "people" EVER come near to seeing or experiencing (MY) God's Creation.
Yes, the NAZI have killed off (MY) God's Creations and REPLACED them with PICTURES.
For "they" (The NAZI) went Against ME! GOD HIMself.
That Is All.
Communications Declassified - BOOK ONE
NonfiksiThese ARE Communications Made Between ME, And The "CIA/FBI/IRAN". These Letters ARE NOW On "Declassified Status". Letters Will Be Published EXACTLY As Written "Previously".