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The sound of an alarm going off made Melanie groan softly as she buried her face into the pillow. It had only felt like just a couple of hours ago that she had gotten into bed after doing some research on a case she had stumbled upon. The best thing about working for the BAU is that her time was pretty flexible and some, if not most, of the time she could work from home with Sam by her side. 

Melanie reached over to grab her phone and turned off the alarm before setting it back onto the side table. She looked over and saw a sleeping Spencer Reid by her side. After the day she got hired by Emily, the two had become very close (if not closer). They had decided to pick things up from where they left off from but neither of them have confirmed or denied they were officially together. 

Melanie nuzzled herself into Spencer's side and kissed his cheek. 

"Spence, it's time to wake up." she said softly. 

Spencer just let out a soft groan in return. Just like Melanie, he had slept late. Melanie was still awake when he had gotten back from a case. It still was a surprise to her how her agent friends could still even function after getting minimal hours of sleep. Though she suppose she could relate considering she sometimes pulled all nighters to collect any information she could to report on. 

"Emily's gonna kick your ass if you're late." Melanie said softly in a sing song voice. Although that was slightly untrue. Emily was really flexible when it came to her team, especially when it came down to them coming back really late from a case. 

"No she won't." He mumbled. 

Melanie sighed softly before kissing his cheek several times. A soft chuckle escaped the agent's lips as he turned around to press his lips against the journalist's. He placed a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

"I just wanna stay in with you a little bit longer. I feel like I don't see you enough, which is funny because we both work in the same department, but I guess it's cause I'm out and about while you and Sam do your own thing. I'm thinking we should take a vacation together." 

Melanie smiled brightly. "A vacation, huh? And where does Dr. Spencer Reid want to go? Somewhere tropical? Wintery? Exotic?" 

Spencer hummed softly. "I didn't think that far honestly. I just want to get away with you. I never really take vacations for myself because what's the point? But you're in my life now and you know that I've never had girlfriends I could spend time with. And let me tell you, the girl I'm with is braver than any agent on the team." 

"Oh? Please tell me about her. She sounds interesting." Melanie said, grinning. 

Taking her hand into his very own, Spencer gave the girl a smile. "Yeah, you know she's been kidnapped, she's been held hostage twice, and was shot - I thank god that she was wearing a bulletproof vest when that happened. She's hardworking and really amazing at her job. I've never seen someone who's completely invested in her career. And she's smart. There's nothing I love more when she picks at my brain. I don't know how she can stand me. I ramble a lot and I know it's annoying but yet, she hears me out. I love that."

Melanie didn't know what to say to his words. It was never a surprise to her that he was really amazing at his words. He knew exactly what to say and when to say it. She supposed it's because he's a literal genius yet she's the journalist and that she should be good with words. 

"You're too good for me, Spencer Reid." She commented. "And as much as I'd love to spend time in bed talking about how much I appreciate you, we gotta get ready for work." Melanie kissed his lips before  getting out of bed. 


"A vacation, huh? Where do you guys plan on going?" Sam questioned Melanie. When Spencer and Melanie had arrived to work, the only person that were in the office were JJ and Sam. Spencer went off to talk to JJ about something meanwhile Melanie did the same with Sam. 

"No idea." She shrugged. "He just brought it up this morning. Listen, I've known Spencer long enough to know that he just doesn't take vacations out of the blue...not even for me. Hell, you know I don't like taking vacations. Why now that he suggests taking a vacation?" 

Sam hummed softly in thought before a small grin appeared on his face when an idea slipped into his mind. Noticing his facial expressions, Melanie raised her eyebrows.

"Just say it." Melanie sighed softly. 

"Maybe he's going to propose." Sam stated. 

Melanie playfully punched his arm. "Shut up! That's definitely not going happen. Plus we've never talked about marriage or what the future is for the both of us. I mean, I know I see a future with him but-"

Sam cut Melanie off. "-there's no buts, Mel! Just take it. He's going to propose. I don't think it takes a profiler to figure that out." 

Melanie rolled her eyes. "Whatever." 

Sam shook his head. "Whatever you say. Anyways moving on, did you read up on the case I sent you?" 

"The one with the killer clown?" Melanie asked. Sam nodded his head. "All I had to say was fuck no. But yet I was intrigued." 

Remembering the articles that Melanie had read made a chill run down her spine. If anyone knew the journalist, they'd know she had an irrational fear of clowns. She knew they weren't scary but there was something about them that made her cringe. Maybe it was because they had a painted on smile and anyone smiling that much came off as creepy. Any horror movie that had to do with a clown, it was a hard pass. 

"You think it's something worth scoping out?" Sam asked. Melanie could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted to report on this, and she couldn't blame him. This would be one hell of a story. 

"I would really like to know why it has to be a clown." Melanie whined; a small pout formed on her face. 

Sam chuckled. "I knew you'd say yes! The recent murder happened in Guymon, Oklahoma. It's a small town so I think this is the most excitement they've had in their entire lives." 

Melanie rolled her eyes as she let out a laugh. "You're a horrible person, Samuel. But it is interesting, especially when there's a killer clown on the loose." 

Just walking in, and caught the last half of their conversation, Emily raised eyebrows at two of the journalists. 

"What about a killer clown?" She questioned. The two friends looked over at their boss. 

"Sam stumbled on some articles about how there's someone killing people dressed as a clown." Melanie explained. 

Emily looked at them with shocking expression. She's dealt with a lot of cases in the past decade she's worked with the bureau but never did she hear something like this. It was almost unreal to her. 

"You're kidding!" Emily explained. Though knowing it was horrible, she was interested. "What have you guys gotten so far?" 

"Not much. Mel and I were gonna do a little bit more digging and see what we can find." Sam replied. "We were hoping we can gather enough information and present it to you as a case?" 

Emily nodded her head. "Please do. I'd love to hear what you guys find! Sounds exciting actually. I'm such a horrible agent." She laughed softly, shaking her head. "But whenever you guys are ready, we'll be here to listen." 

Having practical free reign on what they can search and write about was something Sam and/or Melanie barely had at previous jobs. It was an exhilarating feeling knowing they had the creative liberty to pretty much do whatever they want as long as they had concrete evidence to prove their statements. 

"Guess we gotta start digging don't we?" Sam asked Melanie. 

"As long as I don't have to see a picture of a single clown I'm more than ready to do some investigating." Melanie laughed, shaking her head. 

"Irrational fear of clowns?" Emily questioned. 

"More than you know it." Melanie sighed.

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