Who What When Where Why

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Peeta P.O.V

Katniss and I are relaxing...It's quiet and silent...but it's comfortable. We are both laying on my bed. Over the comforter..I am facing up towards the ceiling. And Katniss is snuggling up to me on my right side. Her head is buried in my chest.

When we stay like this...It feels like forever. So many times I wished for this...Just me and her...relaxing..knowing that we both love each other and not having to go through the complicated stage anymore. The stage where either you like someone and they don't like you back or they like you at the wrong time when you don't like them anymore. Or even worse. You have to suffer many years both liking each other but having no idea.

She slowly sits up. She looks in my eyes. She looks like she has something on her mind and she wants to talk about it. So I sit up as well with my back against the headboard of the bed.

"How many?"

"What do you mean?"

"How many girls have you loved before me? I know you went out with others. So who?"

"Okay....I have loved 5..Five others before you."

"What were their names?"

I think for a moments.."Who What When Where and Why."

"Tell me about them."

"Who I loved, was a girl with blonde hair. We dated freshman year. We came from different schools and since it was my first year, I didn't really know who was who. We were close but not super close. We were your occasional relationship. Nothing was really special about us but we had something. We would spend every night texting each other about our days and what happened in our troublesome lives. We would meet sometime in the park. She was blown away by how beautiful the trees looked or the certain way people interact with others. She was an open person that had a side of explorer in her. She always loved to climb trees and be around nature....then one day...things got harder and more stressful...By the time we hit the first quarter of freshman year, we both had problems with each other that continuously grew and that's when she called it off. We both agreed that we weren't right for each other. With that, we separated in a different direction.

What I loved was a girl that I knew back since 3 grade. We both saw each other grow. I saw her with her boyfriends and she saw my girlfriends...and all my break ups. We both had a passion for the same subjects and the same hobbies.....We were almost perfect for each other....except for one thing that is. Our timing was horrible. If I was single she would be in a relationship and if I was dating someone she would be single. We both had something for each other, but it wasn't strong enough to leave the person we were with. We saw how we both changed and grew up but it was all too unrealistic. With that...we parted.

When I loved was my first girlfriend in junior high. It was a time full of exploring, innocence, discovery, and taking an adventure. We snuck out to parties or late night dates. Even though we were still little. She changed my mind in lots of ways. To be more open and out there instead of being your typical quiet kid that hid in the back of the class. That was who I was in class, until she changed me to be not just open when I'm outside, but to open where ever when ever I want to. Then she left the country. We tried staying in contact. We tried every site or app of video chats or messaging. But we both knew that we would probably never see one another again.

Where I loved was a girl I met on our vacation to Las Vegas. It was meant for a month and I bumped into her in the hotel lobby. We hung out for that one day, then turned to two and three and so forth. Stopping at day 17. On day 5, that was the day I fell the hardest. We both told each other our secrets and our deepest desires. I even snuck out with her a couple of times. But if anyone asked me where my favorite city is...I always say Las Vegas. It was the place that I fell for the beautiful girl that made me smile and happy. It was the place  where we fell in love, but then said goodbye.

Why I loved was a family friend of mine. She had cancer every where in her body. When I was in the hospital. She came to visit me with eyes full of tears. She sat in the chair next to me and just cried. When she finally stopped she explained why. She said that she took a scan because something felt wrong with her body. She told me she got the results today. She said the test came back positive and it lit up like lights on a Christmas tree. She was always depressed knowing that her life was going down hill. She wasn't as sad about knowing that her time was coming soon to pass on, but she was even more depressed that she would never be able to feel the emotions of love. Being hurt, sad, or fallen head over heels for someone. Everyday she would take pills. One after another after another. She just kept swallowing. She finally had enough. When I went to go visit her. I walked into a room full of doctors and nurses trying to revive her. On her bedside table was a bottle that was all the way full to now empty with not a single pill left...She never said goodbye. I never got to tell her how I felt. At her funeral. I gave a speech telling her...Those words that should would never be able to hear. I loved how she tried to keep fighting but then at some point she stopped. She believe that you were here to make a change. And I guess she changed me by telling me to keep fighting and to keep moving forward. We were given the power to giver, receive, and feel....The things she never got to do."

"I think I get it now."

I grab her hands."You are the sixth."

"So which one am ?"

"You are none of them." She gives me a questioning look."Because you are all of them."

"Your who I love, the person that made me open and let me explore. Your what I love, the close friends that is full of jokes and that knows so much about me. Your when I love, my first love that made me feel adventurous in the time of innocence and love. Your where I love, because I would go anywhere to be with you even sneaking out. Your why I love, the person to give me hope and to let me feel the experiences and feeling of love and to cherish something. The reason for my past, present, and future.

You are the sixth....and the last."

She smiles and brings back to twinkle in her eyes.

"I love you Katniss."

"I love you Peeta.........


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