What happened?

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Katniss P.O.V

I'm not exactly sure when it happened, or how it happened, but something inside of us changed. It felt awkward to see someone I have spent basically my whole life with, just turn to the person I love. Not saying I don't but...it feels like I'm dating my brother to be honest.

That's when I made my decision....I told Peeta the way I felt and I think he understood. He kept on going to the hospital and every day I would visit him to see if he was alright. I sat in his room all day. Either teaching him the new school work or doing his homework for him, or even just relaxing and talking to him... It felt nice for once.

Peeta told me that something was wrong but he doesn't know what. He said that his parents know but they haven't spoken a word to him about it. Every day he asks them what happened or what's wrong, but they say nothing.

I feel horrible but since we are best friends he tells me everything.

Back to present time

"Peeta! Your back!" I say and jump up into his arms.

He holds me for a while until we get faces from everyone staring  at us.

When he sets me back down he has a smile plastered on his face.

"Hey calm down there Everdeen!" He says in a deep voice.

"Oh shut up Mellark I haven't seen you in forever."

"Katniss it's so great to see you."

"Ugh how come you were gone for so long?"

"For some reasons that I can't say."

"Why? You know you can trust me right? We've been friends for like what..13 or 14 years now and you can't trust me?" I say with hurt and confusion in my voice.

"No Kat it's not that it's just something my parents would't like me to say to the world yet."

"Peeta, I'm one person not the world."

"But Katniss....To me, you are my world."

Crap I am probably as red as a tomato.

"Shut it Mellark! I can't take a another second without kissing your face because of all this cheesy crap you are saying to me right now."

"Well why don't you just do it?"

"C'mon Peet."

"I know I know. So Kat lets go to the beach."

"Fine let me just go get my things. Swing by in 15?"

"Alright see you then."

With that I walk off to get ready.

The beach is beautiful. Peeta lays down a beach towel and we both lay down on it. I lay my head on Peeta's arm and we just relax.

It is silent. and quiet. It's not a type of silent where it's awkward, it's more of a comfortable one. Next thing I know my eyes start to get droopy and the rest of the world turns black.

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