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As usual Lee drove me back to school on the way there I asked him "so, did he call you back after that message you left him"  "yes, but all he said is I landed safe and to take care of you"  "why does he even care Lee"  tears started streaming down my cheeks and I brushed them away but nothing could stop them.  We pulled in and Tuppen was there waiting and he took one look at me and said hey Evans what's wrong.  I look at him and say "Well, Tuppen you are off duty now Noah broke up with there is no reason for you to protect me."  I walk away and I hear Tuppen say to Lee "so, how bad is it.  Well, she has no answers except they should see other people.  My asshat brother waited until he had to leave to board his plane.  He dropped the bomb and left her standing there"  Next thing I know Tuppen is grabbing me and spinning me around and lifts up my head "look, Evans, it is his loss you are a great girl.  I will still look out for you simply because you are my friend ok"  I look up at Tuppen and hug him "thanks Tuppen"  At this point my phone goes off and I look down and it is Noah.  Tuppen see's it grabs my phone and answers "Look don't call her again you wanted it to end asshole so you ended it now let her heal.  Let those of us that care about her help her move on."  Tuppen hung up the phone and handed it back to me.  I look up at him and say "Thanks I don't think I could have handled him today."  My phone goes off again Tuppen says "if it is him just let it go to voicemail you don't need his drama"  I pick up and say "yes, sir I will be there in few minutes I am just outside in the courtyard.  I see her across the way.  Ok, sir, I will ask her to come as well.  Goodbye"   I walk up to Olivia and say "Mr. Santos wants us in his office now."  We both start walking to the office when she asks is it true you and Flynn broke up.  He changed his profile from in a relationship to dating."  "yes, Olivia I really don't want to talk about it or him"  "no, problem Elle." We walk up and Mr. Santos says "As you both know since the Freshman wasn't big enough you two were not assigned a peer to mentor.  Well, this is Adam and Gloria Martinez they will be starting here today.  Since Gloria here was a cheerleader at her former school and we be joining our squad, Olivia, you will mentor her.  As for you Rochelle since you will help Adam since he will be joining our football team and as athletes you two will be able to get along plus having his mentor on the girl's soccer field while he is on the football field will be a big help."  I look up at Mr. Santos and say "not a problem sir but remember we have the championship tournament and the scouts from Harvard and Tufts will be here and I need to be prepared."  "Oh, yes Mr. Martinez please respect Miss Evans regiment this week.  I really don't know what we are going to do without her next year our team won't be the same kind of like how the football teamed suffered after Mr. Flynn left.  How is he, by the way, Miss. Evans"  "I do not know sir we had a falling out over the Christmas break"  "well that is just too bad two of our top students on their way to bigger and better things on sports scholarships losing touch.  Well, that is the way college is.  now get to class."  I look up at Adam and say "so, what is your first class "Introduction to Criminal Law"  I look at him and say "really, that is my first class the Harvard recruiter said since I want to be a lawyer it would be a big help getting into their law school"  He looked at me and said "same here little lady"  I finally really look at him and notice that he is wearing cowboy boots on his feet and a cowboy hat.  

The rest of the morning I spent talking to Adam and showing him to all his classes and explaining how everything worked around the school.  He, of course, was not used to uniforms but he said they could be worse.  At lunch, I introduced him to Lee, Olivia, Tuppen, and Rachel.  Of course, Olivia introduced Gloria to all of us as well.  When all of a sudden I hear "So, Flynn finally got bored with you and threw you to curb don't worry about that Evans, won't be the first time I pick up his cast offs"  I look up and jump to my feet and slap him before telling everyone "I can't right now" then take off running till I got to Lee's car and bury my head in the closed window. Then I hear "Are you ok little lady"  I turn and look at him "yeah, I will be I am sorry it is just hard right now"  all of a sudden I hear "Now, I know why you look familiar.  You're the little lady from the airport where that jerk broke your heart."  "great you were there" "yes, I tried approaching you but by the time I got the courage you were hugging the guy that was in this car and I figured you two were close."  "yeah, he is my best friend and the jerks brother."  "Dang, that must be hard.  Well, sweetness, I think we need to get to our next class and why don't you let out some of your frustrations on the field later."  I look up at him and say "sounds like a plan.  How would you like to come over to Lee's and go for a swim later?  Don't worry about me inviting you and not him.  It is my home away from home."  The rest of the day was uneventful except when the Lisa said: "When Flynn get's back I am so kicking his ass you really took it out on me out there Evans I couldn't help but laugh as we headed into the showers."

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