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Everyone congratulated us and gave us hugs.  We sat down and Xavier and his staff went crazy serving everyone and making sure we all had what we needed.  We talked and laughed and everyone here said they expected eventually that Noah and I would get engaged just not so soon.  Noah looked at everyone well, after I messed up and had to sit back and watch her date all those yahoos I knew the minute I got her back I was going to make it permanent.  Halfway through the dinner, my dad stood up and said "well 5 years ago we all lost an important member to the Evans/Flynn family.  She loved every member of this family with her whole heart.  Even when I had my doubts here about Noah my dear Mary never gave up hope.  I know right now she is looking down at this moment and grinning because she knew this day would come.  She told me one night when I mentioned that the actions of this young man had me worried they would rub off on our dear children and that I was thinking of keeping them separated.  She looked up at me and said "Don't she will make him want to be a better man like you and Mathew.  Haven't you ever noticed that when our Elle is around him he behaves better?  She was right she always was.  So, I am so glad that my dear Elle has found love in Noah Flynn.  The love you two have has brought this family closer together.  We are not only a family by choice.  We are also now a family because of your love."  He lifted his glass.  "Too Elle and Noah."

I stood up and hugged my dad ever so tight.  "Thanks, dad what you said really meant a lot to me."  Noah looked at him "Me too sir.  I always and still do love Mary with all my heart."  Shortly after that, we said our goodbyes to the adults while Xavier and his crew cleaned up after the dinner.  Tuppen walks up "Hey Flynn no fair.  You took Evans off the market before the rest of us had a shot."  Noah just looked at him "Sorry dude you never had a shot.  Shelly was always mine."  I look up at him "You better believe it.  Always and forever."  

Everyone showed up and the party was in full swing.  When Noah wasn't by my side I could feel him watching me.  Warren came up to me and I rolled my eyes at Duncan who just chuckled "So, Evans how about we pick out a room and have some fun."  I look at him "How about you take a walk off a cliff?"  Duncan started laughing so hard he hit the floor.  I looked down at him "Uh, Dude it wasn't that funny."  "Yeah, I know but Warren's face was."  All of a sudden Warren grabbed my wrist and started dragging me away.  I tried pulling away from him when all of a sudden I feel another hand grab mine and I feel Warren's hand being removed and I hear him yell "HEY THAT  HURTS!"  "Well then don't touch Flynn's girl or else."  Warren glares at him "Who the hell are you anyway."  The guy glares back at him "Well Flynn is my buddy and teammate and you keep this up there is a whole team at Harvard that will kick your fucking ass."  Warren walks off "Well whatever she is just, The Flynn's toy they pass around.  That was it I walked up to Warren smiled and pulled back my fist and connected.  Warren was on the ground holding his nose "Fuck you broke my nose. Damn you Flynn deserve each other." I glare down at him "Like it is any of your business but Noah has been the only one."  I turn and storm off.  I barely make it four steps before Noah stops me "are you, ok baby."  "Yeah, my hand hurts a little."  He picked it up yeah, looks like you might have broken a knuckle."  Tuppen walks up "I called my mom and explained to her the situation and she said she is coming over to take a look at your hand Evans free of charge."  I give Tuppen a quick hug and he says "No prob girl when I told my mom why you punched him she said good for her."  

Tuppen's mom showed up and said I just bruised the knuckles to ice them and that they would be sore for a few days.  As I walked around everyone was giving me high fives saying that Warren deserved it.  someone mentioned that Warren threatened to call the cops and he was told go for it and we will all tell them that you tried to drag her off when she was telling you to let her go.  So he left in a huff.  At that time Noah looked down at me and I nodded and he motioned to Xavier and gave him a thumbs up sighn.  We stood back and watched as the Xavier's crew passed out Champaine flutes with sparkling apple cider to our guests.  Xavier danced up to us and handed us our glasses.  After everyone had a glass we had the DJ shut off the music and Noah had the mike.  

"As everyone here knows I was known as Bad Boy Flynn though most of high school.  Until one day I realized the girl of my dreams might actually like me.  I fell in love with My Sweet Shelly but I felt I couldn't have her because of Little Brother Lee.  I had convinced myself he was secretly in love with her.  Then the night of the kissing booth happened.  He met Rachel and I was able to get the kiss that told me she loved me too.  I knew then I had to change so I could be worthy of her.  Yes, I messed up I thought letting her go would improve her Senior Year and I was wrong.  So, so wrong.  I was lucky though she forgave me and became my girl once again.  So, I decided since I already knew I couldn't live without her to ask Miss. Rochelle "Elle" Evans to marry me and she accepted."  Everyone yelled and cheered.  

Next thing I hear is Lee saying "Give it up for my brother and best friend the future Mr. and Mrs. Noah Flynn."  I looked at him and smiled.  He bowed to me and a single tear slipped down my face.  Noah looked down at me and smile "My dorky brothers' way of saying he accepts us I take it."  "Yes, Noah he finally fully accepts us."

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