Enemy of my Enemy

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After the happenings of the last few months, Ann insisted on getting back to where she was, hunting the dragons. After begging Viggo to let her go again onto the open seas, she quickly boarded her ship and sailed off before Viggo would come back if he had changed his mind.

All she had done in the time of her injuries and nothing to do between some trips were flying around with Luna, playing Maces and Talons against Viggo who would teach her the game, and training. A lot of training in fact, together with her beloved brother Ryker.

He taught her some new tricks for close combat. Useful, but she got bored in the long term. She was eager to get out on her own again. Taking two of her own fleet's ships, she left the harbor to get dragons for her lover.

While they were sailing for three days, Ann heard that a dragon was approaching. And it was familiar. "The Night Fury is approaching! Quick, throw out some smokeballs and let's create a scene here!" She quickly ordered. "What kind of scene, ma'am?" One of the men asked her.

"Let's fake that we have been attacked by another dragon. When that dragon lands on deck, we get up and shoot that boy to smithereens!" The crew laughed maniacally to her plan and got everything ready for the ambush.

The boy and the Night Fury had arrived at her ship and circled around a bit before they decided to land to investigate. "Looks like a dragon got the best of 'm." Hiccup said when they landed. The dragon roared and growled as he was suspecting something was about to happen. "Yeah, let's get out of here." Hiccup said as he laid a hand on his dragon's head.

The men got up and got their weapons ready. "Fire!" Ann yelled and all the arrows were released. Toothless got into the air trying to dodge the arrows, but one man with a bow hit Toothless in the tail. The dragon went down and flew to an abandoned island. "Well done! You took the dragon down!" She appraised him while running to her dragon.

"Havòk, you follow from behind. I'm going towards that island with Luna to see where Hiccup has crash-landed that dragon of his." Havòk nodded at her wish and took over the control of the ship. Ann flew up towards the sky with Luna and rushed toward the island, trying to find Hiccup and his valuable dragon.

She scouted the area when she arrived about five minutes later, but couldn't find that pesky boy. Growling, she landed with Luna on the beach and waited for her ships to arrive. About fifteen minutes later, the ships finally arrived and the men got off to head to the beach. "Did you find him?" Havòk asked her.

"No. He got away for now. We will find him, we just need to look everywhere. You three, start looking over the West side of the island. Two of you are going East. Work your ways up to North. Give the message to the men left on the ships to leave a few on board, send about twenty men towards us and a few will search on the South side of the island. Right where we left the ships. Move!" She ordered. "What are you going to do?" One of the men asked her. "Havòk, you, me and a few others are going to the center of the island looking for that boy. I bet Luna can sniff that Berkian up." She said looking at her dragon who gave a small purr as confirmation.

They went their separate ways to find the boy but got to something unexpected. "Ma'am!" One Hunter called for Ann. "What is it?" She asked before she gasped. "What in the name of Thor?" She saw two young dog puppies behind a rock formation, all helpless and crawling over the ground. "We found them right here." "Where is the mother? They can't survive without their mother." She quickly asked when the pups began to howl and cry for their mother.

"We couldn't find any sign of her, ma'am." The Hunter said. "Or maybe we could..." Havòk added to it. Ann came to him and gasped again to see the mother dog lying dead no five meters away from the pups. The mother's belly was teared open and blood was everywhere.

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