Shellshocked part 2

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Ann's POV

I woke up to the sound of silence around me. No Viggo, no Riders to disturb me. Gods, how much I wish the Riders would let Viggo be here with me, but no, they had to question Viggo all night. As tired as I still was, I decided it was time to get out of bed and take some breakfast. I have to admit that Heather's cooking is not that bad. 

As I was having my breakfast, Viggo came walking up to me when he got out of his interrogation. "Good morning. Have you been sleeping well?" He kissed my cheek as he stood behind me and stole a little piece of my bread. "Yes, pretty good, but you weren't with me when I woke up..." I sounded a little depressed. 

Viggo came sitting next to me and held my chin so that he could face me. "Hiccup had to know everything I know about Ryker's plans. Right now, they are our only hope in stopping him and take back what is rightfully ours." He stood up and walked outside. 

Toothless was laying on the floor when Viggo stepped outside. The dragon immediately got up and kept a close eye on my love. Sinking deep into thoughts, I noticed Viggo started pacing around on the floor outside. The Riders had collected around the table in the clubhouse.

They all looked at how Viggo was pacing outside while they spoke with each other. "I don't trust the guy." Astrid spoke up to break the silence. "You know, he'd actually be pretty fun to hang with. I mean, if he weren't trying to kill us all the time." The twin boy reacted to Astrid. The twin girl agreed again with her brother. 

"You gotta love the way he talk." She said a bit laughy and imitated my husband in the worst way possible. "Hiccup, I'm afraid our time together must come to an end. I must now kill you, if you have no further objections." "Like he's gonna have objections. And then I'll go: all of your Dragon Riders must also go. With my sincerest apologies." 

That was by far the worst imitation I had ever witnessed. I literally face palmed and shook my head in front of everyone as I sat on the chair at the table. The Riders discussed more things, but turned out they didn't trust me and Viggo. Hiccup asked us to follow him and Astrid.

We walked to the stables where Hiccup and Astrid let me walk in, but pushed Viggo in. "Hiccup, you must reconsider." They closed the door with a firm thud. I stood behind Viggo who tried to convince the Riders to let us out of here. "Viggo, I'm sorry, but there is just too much bad blood for us to trust that you'll do anything but try to... well, you know." Hiccup answered to him. 

"And the Dragon Eye's return? It did nothing to assuage your concerns?" Viggo held on to the wooden cage bars and stuck his head out to face Hiccup a bit closer. Astrid scoffed at him about it. "Not enough." She simply retorted. "Ryker will attack this island with my Shellfire dragon. I'm afraid he won't stop until all of you are... well, you know." Viggo copied Hiccup. "That's encouraging as always, Viggo." Hiccup put up a non-impressed face. Viggo immediately took a hold of that mood. 

"You see that's just it! I could be of considerable assistance in helping you defend your home, if you would allow me." He emphasized on the last part of his sentence. "Viggo knows his brother better than anyone else. He is the only one who can see through Ryker in an instant. Viggo will have great plans to defeat Ryker and have all of us alive." I said before Astrid replied. "We'll take that under advisement."

Then the twins came running in. Tuffnut blabbered something and Hiccup had to as Ruffnut for translation. "Dragon Hunters. Multiple ships, headed this way." "You know, we didn't want to bum you out with all the deadly disease and everything. But we figured, is it really our place to deny you the right to die during battle instead?" Tuffnut loudly whispered to the two lovers. "What in the name of Thor are you two talking about?" Astrid asked them as she and Hiccup made their way to their dragons. 

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