The Day After Marriage

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The newlyweds woke up arm in arm and enjoyed the titles of being husband and wife. They kissed each other many times before hunger drove them out of their bed. They got their morning habits up from back home on Hunter Island before heading outside to meet the people around. 

It had been a few small hours before Viggo asked Havòk if he had seen Ryker. "I need to discuss some business with him." "Sorry Viggo, but I haven't seen him for a while. Actually, I haven't even seen him since last night." Viggo got suspicious about where his brother could be. "Maybe he is still in bed?" Havòk asked him. "No, Ryker is usually up earlier than us." Ann answered to him. 

"And if not, he is always out back to work earlier than us." Viggo said thinking out loud. "I'm starting to get worried about him." "Hey, we can always ask people if they had seen him around lately." Ann suggested to her husband. "Maybe we should. Come on." Viggo said and took Ann with him in their search for their brother.

After an hour of asking and looking in possible places where he could've been, he was nowhere to be found and nobody had seen him. "Viggo, where was the last place you saw him last night before you got to me?" Ann came up with it. "Let me think quickly. The volcano mountain, at the Sacred Waters!" He said and they ran to the mountain. 

They yelled and shouted their lungs out to call for him, but there was no answer. "Where can he be?" Viggo started to panic a bit. "Baby, calm down. I'll ask my Dragon to help, but I need to focus." Ann said to him and she walked to the mountain walls where she laid her hand on and her eyes turned blue again. 

A short moment later, her eyes turned back to normal and she told Viggo where Ryker had last been. "He was still here when you left, right?" "Yes, how do you know?" Viggo asked confused. "My Dragon? It just showed me where he has been last night. And where he is now." "What?! Where is he?" Viggo grabbed her arms rather tight and it hurt her. "Au!" "Sorry." 

"It's okay. It's your brother we're talking about. Now, I have seen him and he must be down here somewhere. There must be some sort of small cave." She looked over the edge of the volcano pass. "Can Luna fly over there?" Viggo came standing by her side. "No, it's too tight and Sky is unable to get down there as well as he cannot fly. Maybe Luna can sniff the area to see if she can find his scent."

Luna was called to the volcano to inspect and she got Ryker's scent very quick. "He must be down there somewhere. I'm going down there to see if I can find him." Ann said. She tied a rope around her waist and made Luna carefully lower her into the cliff. Moving and looking around, Ann finally saw an opening in the pass. "A little more to the right, girl!" She said and walked into the direction she wanted, Luna following her every step. 

As Ann reached the cave opening, she could see Ryker laying on the ground there. "Ryker!" She yelled and got herself out of the ropes. Coming closer to her brother, she could see a puddle of blood under his left leg. "Oh my Gods, are you alright?" She hugged him. "As far as I can be, I'm okay. I just can't walk on that leg anymore." "What happened?" 

"As Viggo and I were protecting and taking care of your dragon, I sent him back to you, huh? Well, when he left, our parents saw their chance to sneak up on me and cut me in the leg. The only place I saw as an escape was this small cavern. Luna, Ash and Sky took care of them while I tried to get out of there, preventing my parents to kill me." "Why would they kill you?" Ann asked perplexed as she tied a bandage around his still bleeding wound. "Because Viggo and I have our own dragons now. They said to me we aren't true Hunters. We don't keep dragons as pets, but only hunt them." Ryker groaned of pain in his leg. 

"You two have changed in that perspective. You use your dragons to fight by your sides. Now, we have to get you out of here." She said and touched the wall with her hand again. Her eyes turned blue again and a path out of the mountain appeared. "Come on. The path is just wide enough for both of us to get past." She helped her brother up and they stumbled to the exit.

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