Midnight Scrum

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"Leaving so soon again?" Steve asked his daughter, the morning after the news about her pregnancy was announced. "I'm sorry, dad, but we still have so much to do. It was great to celebrate my birthday here again with you being here as well." Ann looked at the sand beneath her shoes that moved with every small motion she made. 

Her father lifted her chin and looked her in the eyes. "I'm also very glad we got to celebrate such thing together again. And about your pregnancy. If time comes that you have to give birth, I'd be glad to help you then." He offered her. "Why would you do that?" She asked when she noticed Viggo came walking up to her. 

He kissed her in the neck from behind and held her hands that were in front of her body. He must've heard something they were talking about. "Did you know I helped your mother give birth to both you and your sister?" Steve asked Ann. "I do now." She laughed mischievously. "You are my daughter, and I won't back away from helping you deliver your baby as well." He smiled. They said their goodbyes before the Grimborns were boarding their ship to leave for further business.

Hours had passed and Ann was looking over the silent ocean seeing the reflections of the sun as it was setting. Viggo had left her alone for a while. He knew things were tough again, now that she had her father back, but had to say goodbye to him every now and then. 

He came to her, laying a hand on her back. "Are you alright, my beautiful blossom?" He stared at the same view Ann was staring at. "I don't know. Every time we have been to Muzona, it stings to leave my dad back there again. Like I am leaving for the same reason as when I came to Hunter Island..." Rage boiled up in her body again. 

Viggo saw this and pulled her in for a hug that she desperately needed. "Shh, hey, I know how much this hurts you. If I could, I would have taken care that the attack on your island never happened, but we still got to meet." He rubbed her back gently and stroked through her hair.

Walking back to his chamber when Ann felt better, Viggo started to wonder how he could catch Hiccup and defeat him once and for all. Thinking about that until they got home, he couldn't figure out a way to grab his best adversary. 

Yet again, he had some ideas, but were mostly useless and thrown aside. He started to bother himself with this awful job when Ann came in. He immediately felt calm again. Only she could make him feel better in an instant without having to comfort him by touch. "Hey, you okay? You don't look quite good." She said when entered the room. 

"I'm okay, just can't think of a way to beat Hiccup. Whatever we try, he always seems to have his game pieces ready to stop us. I don't know what to do. And that doesn't happen that much." He looked at her, but then back at the Maces and Talons game board he had in front of him. 

She moved one piece on the board and turned his face to her. "Maybe you don't have to do something at all. You can let people do things for you, remember? You are the chief. If you are struggling with something, let the men fix it for you." She smiled at him and saw in his eyes that ideas were coming back to him. "You are a genius." He lifted her up in the air and swung her around. He got to work and left Ann flabbergasted about what just happened.

A few moments later, Viggo got back to Ann with a parchment. He held it up for her to read it. It said: wanted, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock. Reward: one thousand gold. "Okay, I see, but only a description of Hiccup won't help either. Here, let me help." She grabbed another parchment and a pencil and started to draw. 

The drawing she made of Hiccup was quite accurate. "Amazing! What if you draw and I write? Then we will be done in no time, I suppose." Viggo suggested and together, they worked through the whole night. Creating wanted paper after paper. 

At dawn, they had almost worked through all of Viggo's paper. Exhausted as they were, they had to get these wanted papers spread throughout the Archipelago. And fast. The more time was wasted, the more time Hiccup had to get another plan against them ready.

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