Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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As the previous night was still drumming a bit in Ann's head, Viggo had called her out of bed to assign her with a task. "I need you to do something for me. Ryker and I have business to do on another island. I need you to stay here and build me a fort. A stronghold that will keep the Riders dragons out so we can plan our next moves and be able to spy on the Edge and Berk itself." He looked from a map back to his girlfriend, who didn't look too happy about it.

"Are you sure I can't go with you?" She asked, almost begging him to take her with him. "This business partner of mine is not fond of women. He's even worse than Erland is. Any sight of a woman around makes him want to kill them. I rather not get into a fight with him because I have to protect you from his unexplainable rage. I rather have you here where you are save."

He looked at her again and noticed she still seemed to be very exhausted.  "Are you alright, my dear?" "Not really. Got a headache from the music last night and probably a short night of sleeping." She rubbed her eyes in attempt to look better, but it made her only look worse. "Just take some more rest, it's not that Ryker and I have to leave now." Viggo leaned against his desk holding Ann against his chest and stroke her hair, supporting his head on hers.

"What are you going to do when I have to build this?" Ann mumbled. "Like I already explained, Ryker and I have some other business to do. We better split up for a short period of time so both things can be handled with. The sooner we do this, the faster this stronghold can be built. I know being apart will result in us both not being able to sleep well, but i will allow Havòk to aid you if you need it." Viggo whispered.

After a bit more rest, Ann's head had calmed down and the headache was as good as gone. Coming back to Viggo, who was already talking to Ryker about their business, they made their agreements and discussed important details before heading their own ways. 

Coming to the docks, Viggo gave his last instructions to Ann as he was about to board the ship. "I have already given order for the quarries to mine and excavate for marble to be transported to your destination, my dear." He hugged her. "Marble? Why marble?" She wondered. "Marble is unable to be cut, blasted or destroyed by any kind of dragon. Don't worry, I know you can do this." He pulled her into another quick kiss after which he got on board. 

Ann watched as her brother and lover sailed away to the horizon and took one more look at the map Viggo left for her in his tent. Havòk was there with her to discuss their approach. "So, this is how Viggo wants it. We better get to the location on the island and start preparations." Ann got to action.

Once coming to the exact location after a short fly-over on Luna, there were already shiploads full of marble that had been transported to the island and were ready to be build into the stronghold.

Taking a good look around on the island, they knew how it had to be build, but Ann had the idea to make the fort a little more than what Viggo had in mind. She made a few small adjustments in the drawings and designs he had made. Havòk and Ann knew they had to be quick, as the Riders could be coming soon to interrupt this mission. 

Days went by, shiploads were coming in with insane speed and the stronghold was rising up quickly from the ground. Flying around on Luna, Ann held a constant look on progression of this massive construction. "Make sure to close all the remaining holes in the dome! It has to be done before Viggo comes back!" She yelled to the men below her as she flew above the dome to see many remaining holes in the roof. 

Growling a bit, she noticed there were silhouettes approaching from over the ocean. "Let's go inside, girl. Have backup from the men." Luna dived into the dome through one of the remaining holes and Ann yelled to the men to prepare themselves. "Hunters! Three Riders are approaching from the south! Let's give them a welcome they deserve, shall we?" She smirked as the Hunters were running everywhere to get ready for the Riders to come in and fire their arrows at them.

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