Plot against the Lead

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I will give a slight warning for the younger readers among you. There is a fight scene involved in this chapter what might be found disturbing images.

Ryker's POV

"I'm sick of him!" I yelled out in frustration when I got to my cousin's tent. Lars was a bit startled about my reaction when I stormed in without any pardon. "You alright, cousin?" "Of course, I'm not!" I sat down on one of the chairs and held my hands before my eyes. "This is all his fault." I heavily sighed out as I had almost given up the hope. 

"What has Viggo done then?" Lars asked me carefully and curiously. "You were there! He let the Riders destroy another fleet completely!" "Eh, no. I was here, remember? Viggo told me to complete the task I was busy with." "You were? I thought Viggo told you to come with us." "Nope, he wanted me to stay here last minute. So, what happened?" Lars showed interest to my story.

"We were defending Ridgerock Enclave. The island where we keep our gold safe." I started. "Yes, I know that island." Lars thought about it. "We knew the Riders would come and take the island and the gold for their own goods. We had them captured, well most of 'em actually, and had them separated from their leader. Hiccup Haddock. But they managed to escape us again and took all the gold. Now we have to live like the homeless. Take every little scrap of food we can get." "Just let it go. All of it. I can take it from you." Lars encouraged me to throw all my irritations out while Lars himself kept his mind on something else. Sculpting a figurine out of wood. 

"And now, when we almost had the Riders in our hands, he lets them go when they escaped. We still had plenty of men to catch them!" I threw my hands in the air and let them drop next to my body as I leaned back into the chair. "We have to do something about Viggo and his way of leading now." "And what do you want to do then?" Lars looked questionable towards me and lowered his wooden sculpture in making. 

"I don't know, Lars. Just leave it and we will have to deal with his ruling here. And where did you learn to do that?" I asked confused. "Ann taught me. You should go outside, take some fresh air and go have a walk with Dino or Sky." Lars suggested. "Yeah, that will probably ease my mind." I got up and walked out of the tent. "See you in an hour or so." I told him when leaving. "Take your time."

Going for two walks, one with Dino and one with Sky, made me wonder what I could say to my little brother to change the course of how we sail now. Along the way, I heard many more men complaint Viggo. It made me wonder what bothered them, but also felt a little ashamed for him. He is and will always be my little brother. 

"Hey! Why not have Ryker as our new chief?" One man yelled out in public and there was an immediate reaction from all Hunters around. "Yeah, he will be able to beat all of 'em! Even his brother!" "And take that wife of his for himself!" "Whoa, whoa, hold it there!" I came towards them. 

"If you choose me as your chief, I will take over from Viggo, but I will not hurt Ann for any reason. She is my sister and I will protect her from his madness if I have to." I pointed out to the man and they started to cheer for me. As confused as I was, I looked questioning to them. Wow, this is not what I expected.

Sky gave me, his boss, a little push to bring me back to realisation. "Huh, what?" I said when shaken awake again. "Thanks, Sky." I gave my dragon a smile and patted his head. "Having a Speed Stinger by his side, he is invincible! Let's hear it for our new chief!" One man raised my arm and all men around cheered for me as their new leader. 

I knew I had to make haste to get the plans done and take over from Viggo. "Alright, thank you all for choosing me as your new chief. For now, we need to let Viggo think he is still chief while I will operate in the shadows on how we are going to take over from him. Just listen to what he has to say until Project Shellfire is completed. We will surprise him as we take over and take both of them apart. Remember, do not hurt my sister. She is still pregnant and I care about that little one of hers. Viggo, on the other hand, is a different story. He is mine when we are going to set the rules!" I raised my fist and all men cheered for me loudly.

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