Time Out

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A/N: there is a song added to this chapter. It will always remain optional for you to listen to it. I will notice when to play if you want to listen.

It was hours now that Ann and Luna were flying across the skies and Muzona was getting in sight. "We're almost home, girl." Ann said to her dragon before some coughs came up. Jake and Leonora had spotted them at the horizon and ran to them in great anticipation. 

When Luna landed, Ann was having the worst coughing she ever had. "Ann, are you okay?" Jake asked her pretty concerned. "No, I'm not. I almost drowned thanks to Viggo." She said through the coughs. "Come on. We'll get you some medicine for this. We don't want you to die of pneumonia." Jake took her with him to one of the new built houses and prepared a drink for her. 

"So how did it happen that you almost drowned?" Leonora asked Ann while Jake was busy. "Ryker got terribly sick and we had to find a dragon for the antidote." She started. "Terribly sick? That is not something for Ryker in my point of view. What did he have?" Jake came sitting next to them. "He was cut with a dagger what had the Scourge of Odin on it. A few of our men tried to kill them so they could take over the leadership of the Hunters." Ann said before taking a sip of a very bitter drink. 

"Ew! What is this?" She yelled out. "It's your medicine. You must drink at least one a day for a week. The more you drink a day, the less you need for the whole week. So, if you take two a day, it means you can half the time of taking this." Jake explained and Ann drank it in one go.

"Ow, that is horrible. Anyway, I was asked if a few men could go on a fishing trip and we let them go. We didn't know they left one behind to complete their task. One man called Bjarne slightly cut Ryker with a dagger the others had found on the Reaper and Ryker got sick after an hour or so. When we found out it was the Scourge, we made haste to get to a Buffalord dragon, hoping it was still alive." Ann continued. 

"What do you mean still alive?" Leonora asked her. "There aren't many Buffalords left alive. They were all hunted to what men believed extinction, but if I hear your words, Ann, I think you found one. Didn't you?" Jake filled in for his sister. 

"We did. It was crucial for us to get the dragon on board and use it saliva to heal Ryker and save his life. I warned Viggo about the risks of taking the dragon further away from its own island, but he didn't listen to me. We got to the island and we saw the Dragon Riders were already taking possess of it. After a short battle between Viggo and Hiccup, we got the dragon and brought it back to the ship. We fed it the herbs it needed to get the green solution and gave it to Ryker. He got better by the second, so him and Viggo went outside to get some fresh air, but I remained inside to watch the dragon. When we sailed out, it panicked and buffed up and blasted fire. Thanks to the buffing up, the cell door was fired off right to where I was standing. It hit me and I lost consciousness. I don't remember anything after that except when I coughed all the water out of my lungs."

"Okay, so you're saying that all of this is Viggo's fault?" Jake asked her. "Well, he didn't listen to me, so yes. Why?" Ann asked him quite surprised. "What I'm trying to say is, what could you have done differently so you didn't have this fight with him again?" He said back and it left her thinking. "I better leave you two alone." Leonora said and left the house. 

"Look Jake, I know what you are trying to do, but I'm not in the mood right now. I need to think about so much what has happened over the last months that I think it's better now if I will be left alone for a while." Ann stood up as well and left the house too. She went to the forest where peace and quiet ruled the place. It gave her the rest in her mind she needed. She sat down against a boulder and just stared at the ocean. Why do we always have to fight about this, Viggo?

The night went by fast as Ann was constantly sunk deep in thoughts, thinking about her relationship with Viggo and what had happened in the last few months. How happy they were to get a baby, how he had supported her in any kind of way, but most important of all, how he showed her that he truly loved her. It made her feel a bit bad, but she had to figure these things out on her own. She went back late at night to head to bed, but she couldn't sleep without someone to hold her. The nightmares just kept coming back. She started to miss the Hunter chief.

Jake came to her house the next morning to talk a little more. "Could clear your mind last night?" Jake asked when he stood at the doorstep. "More or less. I could get most things sorted out." She said to him when she gestured him to come in. "Have you been thinking about what I asked last night?" "Yes, and I think I know where I personally went wrong. I must've went with them to have prevented myself from getting hit by the cell door and almost drown." She replied to him. 

"Yes, and don't forget that you are Viggo's first girlfriend and betrothed. He will make a few mistakes from which he has to learn." "Well... About that..." Ann hesitated to tell Jake the thing what happened to her relationship status. "I was so angry with Viggo that I might accidently have broken up with him." "What? How?" Jake was shocked. 

"Before I flew away from the ship I told Viggo to leave me alone. If I would send him a letter, it will mean that I won't return to him." She explained. "And if you don't? Then I think you are not breaking up with him, right? So I think you misinterpreted that situation." He pointed out to her. Thinking about it for a second, she recognized that she had misunderstood that part herself.

A week passed before Ann had her mind completely back to normal. She could focus on the important things again. Things like love, she had missed it so much. "You sure you'll be okay?" She asked her little brother before taking off on Luna. "We'll be fine, don't worry about us. You know who to worry about now, so get out there now before you two are getting yourself into more trouble." He smiled. Ann smiled back and left for the ocean together with Luna, going to the one person she loves.

(Optional, start song)

Singing her heart out for hours, she finally saw a familiar looking ship on the horizon. "There! There they are! Wait. What in the name of Thor?" She realized Viggo and Ryker were in trouble. The Riders were attacking and the Hunters were heavily outnumbered. "Let's go teach those Riders a lesson, girl!" Luna went in with a dive and fired to the Nightmare and Zippleback. 

After quite a big fight with all the Hunters watching, Ann scared the Riders off and they left back East, towards Dragons Edge. After landing on the deck, Viggo came up to her. "Thanks. Without you, we wouldn't have.. Oomph!" He was stopped in the middle of his sentence when Ann gave him the biggest and tightest hug ever. He wrapped his arms around her just as tight and enjoyed having her back on the deck. Kissing her forehead, they let go and shared a meaningful look. 

"I'm sorry about everything, my beautiful blossom. I should've listened to you when you warned me about the dangers of that dragon. It was indeed my fault that you almost drowned and I take full responsibility for it." He said with tears in his eyes. "I should've stayed close to you as well. I think we both had misinterpreted all of this again and I'm getting sick of having fights over those misunderstandings." "You're not the only one." Viggo smiled and played with something in his pocket. 

"Okay, what do you got there?" Ann asked him playfully. Viggo got it out of his pocket and showed it to her. "It can be yours again of you want to." Viggo held the black and golden ring up to her. "How did you...? How did you get it back?!" "Your crew had come in contact with a person who had the ring. Dagur probably sold it to someone, thinking it could be worth something. But it will never be worth as much in gold to me as it does emotionally." He smiled to her. All she could was return it and give him her hand again. Taking her hand, Viggo shove the ring around her finger again, followed by being knocked over in a deep kiss.

Letting go breathless and hugging a bit more, they heard Ryker laugh a little. He was happy too that they were back together and helped them up. "What made you come back actually?" Viggo asked her. "I've been talking to Jake a lot about this and he really helped me. I took my time to get everything back in order before I went back to you." Ann and Viggo held each other in their arms. "So, what now? What are we going to do?" Ann asked them. "I was planning to check up on the dragon fights. You don't have to come with me, just be together first again." Ryker told her. "I guess it's better if we do so." Viggo smiled to her.     

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