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After Hiccup stole most of his gold, Viggo was left with just a pile full of it. Not even enough to maintain his wife and himself for it. He really became frustrated with himself lately and didn't see many opportunities to keep his work on. Sitting at his desk with the hands in his hair, he created negative thoughts to himself. You are not worthy to be chief anymore. You screwed everything up! The tribe will suffer because of your mistakes!

"Viggo?" He was shaken out off his thoughts when Ann carefully walked in the tent, with her head just peeking through the entrance. Viggo looked up to her, but quickly avoided her look. "Are you alright?" She asked him. "No. Please, leave me alone!" He almost cried out. "I won't. I see that you're upset." She came in and walked closer to him. 

"Something is bothering you. Come here." She took him in her arms and held him close to her heart. As something that wouldn't happen often, Viggo bursted out into tears as he felt her grip around him. "We have nothing left, Ann! I screwed everything up!" "What do you mean nothing left?" She asked stroking his hair. "All our gold. It's gone! The Riders have taken almost everything of it and left us standing empty-handed." Tears were streaming down his eyes. As Ann heard that, she let go of him to face him. 

He had red, watery eyes and there was even a tear flowing over his cheek. She wiped it away and it seemed he tried to toughen himself up again. "Hey! What is it?" "I'm not supposed to cry." He tried his hardest to stop, but it was barely possible for him. "Because you're a man? Come on! There is no excuse as weak as that!" She stood up to get him a cup of water. "What?" He was stunned she said that. 

"What I'm trying to say is that it's okay to cry. Man or woman. When there is something on your heart that can only flow away through the tears, then let it go. There is no shame for that." "I love you so much." He whispered and tears flowed back in his eyes. She sat down next to him and put the cup of water on his desk, taking him back into her arms to let him relieve from all this stress.

After all this misery was out of his heart, Ann took Viggo to their bed and shove something away from under it. "Is that..." Viggo asked stunned. "Yes. It is the gold I got from the Golden Dragon. The golden scales will provide us all the material we still need. I will use it for you, but on two conditions." She turned her head to him. "And those are?" He frowned his eyebrows at her. 

"One: we will send a part back to Muzona and save that for when we move back to my home. Two: I will be in charge of anything you have in mind." "And why would I give the lead over to you?" Viggo got suspicious. "Because I can't give or lend you anything. I am already taking a risk by ignoring what the Golden Dragon said to me! Remember, you can only use these scales to provide for me and our growing family. If I would allow you to use it for business, I would lose everything I worked so hard for. And I don't want to lose everything again." She turned her head back to the chest, with a slight sense of anger on her face. "I understand and I'm sorry if I hurt you again." "It's okay. I'm just careful with this." She lowered her voice and prepared to make a bag full of the scales to send it to her father and write him a note.

Please take these golden scales and bury them for me somewhere on the island. Just as a precaution. I am using one part and sent you this as a safeguard for when I return to Muzona and settle back there. Thanks. I love you.

She got back to Viggo and they were discussing plans and made a course of action. "So, all of that is settled." Ann stood up from the chair to stretch her legs. It had been hours since they started their discussions. She noticed Viggo let his head hang again and his look spoke volumes. "What's the matter?" Ann asked him. 

"It's just... I'm not used to give the work and all of my plans out of my hands." "But you are not doing that. Yes, I am in charge of anything that has to be bought and all other things, but you are still the one leader of us. Nothing happens without your agreement and permission. Let's just say we share this project instead of you being the only one in control." She leaned against the desk and crossed her arms in front of her chest. 

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