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The preparations were already full speed ahead when Ann and Viggo returned to the camp. "Have you given orders already?" She wondered. "No, I haven't." Viggo answered bewildered. "But I have." Ryker walked up to them. "Why would you do that? You hate the festivities." Viggo got his mind blown. "You are not the only one Ann has changed." Ryker smiled at his younger sister. 

She just looked back at him with a little blush growing on her cheek. "But there is still lots to do. I better get back on the job and take care of the rest. Ann, why don't you ask Jake and the others to come and celebrate with us?" Ryker suggested. "You know, that is not a bad idea after all! I'll send them a Terror Mail right away." She ran off to Viggo's tent to write Jake the letter.

Dear Jake,
Soon the Winter festivities will be here, snow, music and drinks: Snoggletog! We would love it if you would celebrate it with us here on Hunter Island. Send me a letter with your answer and I will send a ship to get all of you here if you agree.
Love, Ann.

She ran outside and got the first Terrible Terror she could find. Binding the letter to its paw, she released it and it flew off into Muzona's direction. Walking back to the brothers to ask if she could do anything, she bumped into Havòk. "Ow, hey!" "Hey Ann, how were the fights?" He asked enthusiastic. "I know you would love it." "Well, I did but..." She scratched the back of her head. 

"But what?" Havòk frowned. "But the fights have been stopped by the Riders. Ryker and I could get out unharmed, but most people were scared off. If the fights will ever come back, I don't know if we will have a crowd again." She looked away from him and folded her arms in slight shame and huge disappointment. "Ow... Well, it's good you two got out of there." He smiled at her. "Yeah, but I feel bad for Viggo. He is going to miss an important way of income." She didn't feel that convinced about it after their defeat. "Viggo is creative, just as you are. If you two are going to think together, you will come up with the best ideas!" Havòk rested his hands on her shoulder to encourage her. 

"But what about you? It looks like the festivities have brought a down side of you above to the surface." Ann noticed a sad glimpse in his eyes. "Ow, well. You're right, but now is not the time to think about it." Havòk replied casually, avoiding to answer her. "Maybe it's good to talk about it. I respect it if you don't want to, but maybe it helps lighten up the spirit." She was about to walk away when Havòk called her back. "I would talk to you about it, but then I want to be alone with you. Somewhere private." "I can ask Viggo if we can stay in his tent for a moment so we can talk, if you want that though?" Ann suggested and Havòk nodded to her.

Ann spoke to Viggo, explaining a little what the situation was. He gave them permission and would be left alone for a while for them to talk. "So, what's on your mind?" Ann got him and herself a cup of water. "I just miss my home at these days." He looked down to the table. "Home? What do you mean?" Ann wondered. "I am actually from another island, just as you, remember? Around these days it's getting hard to focus on work and the festivities as you miss certain people" "I know the feeling..." Ann got sad as she was thinking about her family from home. "But who are those certain people?" She asked curiously. 

"I had a family of my own once. I was married, had a daughter and had one of the best jobs on the island. But all of that was all gone in an instant when someone set me up and everyone disgusted me, including my own wife. A lie was spread around the island of something I didn't do. That lie came to the chief who banished me from my island, and my family." He explained while Ann took a few sips from her water, which she of course spit out the moment she heard about his horrible past. "What?! You had a child of your own?" "Not so loud! Nobody except you knows about this." Havòk tried to calm her in her volume. 

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