chapter 18

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I was so bored sitting at the bar by myself Wendy call me and asked me what I was doing I told her nothing much really just bored she told me to hurry up and come home she have some special for me since she forgot about my birthday I told her I'd be there in an hour she's all right.

As I ask the bartender to send me another shot of Patron. I took a shot and another shot and another shot and another shot mine still focusing on Brandy and her new dude I really want to know who he is I might have seen them before might know s*** it might be one of my homeboys or something but you never know she's a good girl and then it do have them huh swell boys they looking I got up from the table and I asked the bartender for some water I drunk the water and grab the burger to try to sober up a little bit before getting behind the wheel of a car then when I noticed myself straight I went to the restroom took a piss then wash my hand then splash the water on my face then I see my homeboy Nick that was my nigga since day one he looked at me and said yo dude I need a ride to this party the hottest party ever and it's going to have everybody in their Superstars and all I looked at him and like yeah I'll give you a ride what does party at not too far from your house dog I was like all right let me go pay the bartender for my drink and my food all right dog and I'm I meet you out there about a call alright then I walked out the bathroom after washing my hands went by the bar pay the bartender for their service and me and Nick headed to the car I turn around I seen Nick talking to some female and said alright okay I'm on my way. I turned to Nick and say do you always on the phone with some chick he said yeah got to be she got to keep me straight got to make sure I'm on my way this chick is a good girl and she special to me and I'm thinking about putting a ring on it I looked at him for real my mind was going which way was it Brandy he was talking about or some other girl I just let it go over my head and pulled off to go to my house.

Pulling up on my street the cars was everywhere part even has a security guard parking I look that look like my house where the party at the party over. Yeah at my house Wendy bitch ass better not have all them God damn people all over my place nah man chill let's go up and down and see what's Poppin all right I was trying to get in the gate to park my car in the garage the security was like I need your name and ID and do you have an invitation to this party I looked at the security guard like he lost his fucking mind and and told him I live here I pulled out my driving license to show him the address and told him if he didn't move I was going to hit his arms with the car the security guard listen to what I said and let me through I got on the phone with Wendy and told her why I got all these cars in my driveway she told me to come in the house she explained everything to me and I said alright so my homie went in first and then I'll follow when I twist the doorknob everybody hopped up screaming surprise happy birthday my mom and dad was there and I looked at them and I said I thought all y'all mother fucka  forgot about my birthday and they're like we will never forget about your birthday will never forget that you was born on this day your girlfriend Wendy plan this a month ahead and make sure everything was right for you and your celebration. At this point I was happy and was ready to have fun and party with my girl and my and my family and friends I just wish that it was Brandy giving me this party instead of Wendy but I make do what I got.

I walked over to Wendy and thanked her for the time and effort she put in this party looking around I know this party was going to be dope and she did it for me and I don't even like her by guess she did it to please me and I love every bit of it even though I can't stand I have the time.


We finally arrived at the party and when I said had cars everywhere I mean everywhere we put about a gate the security guard asked us for our invitation I passed the invitation to the driver to give to him the security guard looked at it and not his head to let us in so when we got in the driver parked in the front everybody was outside looking when the driver open the door me and John got out the car John spun me around and kiss me and say alright Bay whatever happened know that I got your back and I won't let nobody hurt you my heart melt when he said that and I was like okay let's go party we went in the music blasting loud I see Chris Brown singing and dancing with the guess this bitch I done herself this and I give  it to Wendy. This is the only time I see Wendy work this hard and her life since she never worked in her life but to please a nigga and hit flips on the dick I wouldn't be surprised that she spent thousands of his money since she don't have a job to plan this party but hey I'm enjoy the free food and drink while I'm here and parked it up with my baby yeah.

Why entering the party John has saw some of his homeboys and high-five them and then introduce me to them then he let them know hey that's my girl so don't even try to eyeball her cuz that's all mine and his homeboys knew what he was talking about and nod and said ight.

So we made it to the dance floor and we started dancing around a crowd of people I was doing what I do best and I was hit in the belly dance and actually John can dance real good we ball until we ball no more then I got thirsty and told John that I needed a drink John said alright I'm going to go to the bar and get you some water because I don't want you to be drunk and I want to wait until we go home and I'll get you drunk I'm like a man but okay water it is all right and I watch him walk away.


I see my friends gave him a all high five introduce them to my girl then me and my girl made it down the Dance Floor and started dancing to the music it was dumb pack soup stupid dumb pack I want to know who birthday this is so why dancing will Brandy and getting all close to she got Thursday I knew she shouldn't have took them shot straight but I'm going to enjoy yourself she told me that she wanted something to drink and I told her I was going to get some water for her so she won't be that drunk she kind of was upset at the time but she understood where I was coming from like a lady but have fun all so you don't need to be sloppy drunk to have some fun so I left on the dance floor and went by the bar as I was by the bar I ask the bartender to fix me one cup of water please and then when I turn around Travis came up to and we doubt he asked me what I was doing here I told him my girl invited me. Travis said oh really where she at I told him that she was on the dance floor dancing her before I tried Point him out to but it was too hard to see her through the crowd he said ight I can't see her but we dab and we walked away.

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