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Travis POV:

Morning time came and my son was up early like it was Christmas waiting for me to call Brandy. Damn, will I wouldn't said that but, oh well.

When I found out she was home, I text her to see if she was too tired, is it ok to drop Jr. off to spend time with her.

So, I started cooking breakfast for the kids, so that I could get them ready to bring them to my parents house so that I could get to work.

Once breakfast was finished, I hurry up and got them ready and sat them both at the table so they could eat.

I fixed them their juices and place their breakfast in front of them. I hear the door bell ring. I left to see who could it be .

Once I opened the door it was Brandy.

Travis: " Well, good morning." I said as I was inviting her into the house. I closed the door behind me and locked it.

Brandy: " I know its early but John went to work and I was bord so I decided to stop by if that ok with you." She as she stood there.

Travis: "Naw, you good, I was just about to text you." I said then invite her into the kitchen for something breakfast.

We both walked into the kitchen and Jr. shot up out his chair and into Brandy arms. He hugged her so tight and plant a kiss on her cheek.

Looking at how happy my son gets around her make me feel happy even tho our relationship don't happen. I was glad we was still friends.

I fixed her a plate and mine and we ate. She asked could she keep both of the kids because she was on her way to get the twins and she thought it would be a good idea to let the kids have a play date.

I agree and got my kids stuff and help them get settled into the car.

I told Brandy if she needed anything or if something happened please call, she nodded and got in the car. I let her know what time I will be get off and that I will call or text her to let her know if any changes comes up she told me not to worry about it and go to work.

Before heading into the house I watched them leave. I walked into the house and got ready for work.
***************** Meanwhile *************
Brandy(POV): Arrived at Brandy and John House:

I put up to my house after getting the twins from my mom house and picking up Travis two little one,so they could spend time with me and also give him and broke so that he could relax and focus on work.

The kids was all in the livingroom watching TV as I was looking in the cabinets for something to cook for the next.

I text John to see what he would like to eat tonight, I also told him that I have his great niece and nephew here to play with the twins,he was cool with it.

Once I found everything that I needed to cook. I started preparing my food. Travis text me to check to see how the kids doing and I told him fine and that I would be keeping the kids for the weekend so that he could relax.

Travis really made me proud by stepping up and taking care of his responsibilities and how he went from partying every night leaving his kids on his parents to become and hard working father,who work and comes straight home to them.

Even though he made bad mistakes I'm glad he grew up and put on his big boy pants.


Assistant: "Mr.Blackman, I'm sorry to bother you at this moment but some is here to see by name of Mrs. Jackson, do you want me to tell her to come back later or let her in." She said I looked at her  and told the assistant to call the police and have Mrs.Jackson removed from the property.

My assistant nodded and did what she was told. I continue with my paperwork, until my baby text me asking me what I would like to eat tonight.

Really doesn't matter what she cook. I eat just about everything. I reply back to her and then turn back into my work.

Deep into my cases I here cussing and fussing from outside my office. Lord knows I need to finish these and I don't like taking my work home with me because it's not fair to Brandy and my kids.

I stopped what I was doing to see what was going on. I see Mrs. Jackson cussing and fussing at my assistant and the policemen.

I walked up to my assistant and told her to go take care of the appointment of me for my wedding and she nodded and left.

John: " Hello, officer, I told my assistant to called you to escort Mrs. Jackson off my property." I said looking the officer straight in the eyes.

Officer 1: "Sir, she keep saying that you are her lawyer, is that true." He asked

John: "Was, her lawyer, I stop working with her a few days ago and went to the police station to file a restraining order on her." I said as I hand him the paper work.

The officer read it and turn to Mrs. Jackson and show her the paperwork. When she looked at it her mouth drop in disbelief.

What a man could do she did it to herself and now I'm her soon to be ex husband lawyer and the all the facts he give me about her, I will make sure he win the cases and against her.

The officer escorted out of the building and put her in the police car. The other officer gave me back my paperwork and I headed back to work.

I finished up everything on time and at the end of the day called a  meeting to let them know the do's and the dont are the next time someone will be out of a job.

Don't get me wrong like all my staff that work for me but at the end of the day they all knew what was going on because I told them in the last meeting we had the last time.

I dismissed everyone and locked up. Got in my car and went home.

Walked in the home and kicked off my shoes and sit down on the sofa. Brandy was coming from upstairs.

I guess she just put the kids to bed. She kissed me on the forehead and she everything is going to be okay.

I looked at because I didn't tell anything about work yet. She walked into the kitchen and came back out with two plates of food,two wine glasses, and a bottle of red wine.

She sat the food in front of me and a glass and poured me a glass of wine. She sat beside me and started to eat, so I did the same thing. Once we was done she cleaned up our plates and came back to the livingroom.

She sat into my lap.

Brandy: "Long day, huh." She said as she played with my ear.

John: "Yes, Don't know how you knew but ,yes a very lonnnggg and stressful day." I said shaking my head.

She stood up and grabbed my hands and pulled me, we walked to our relaxing room Brandy called.

We go there to meditate, so we could relieve our stress and problems. When we walked in I saw a message table.

Brandy told me that she knew about everything that happened at work today because my assistant called to tell her about everything that goes on.

So she set this up for me so that I could relax and relive stress before my big cases tomorrow.

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