chapter 24

42 4 0

6 months later


John and I had got closer within 6 months and was proud to say that we was expecting our first child. John and I couldn't be so happy that we was having our little one I was 20 weeks in the pregnancy and we still haven't found out what was having my mom said let's have a gender reveal but John and I are wanted to find out right then and there but I took my mom advice and let her do our gender reveal party I'm excited but nervous at the same time and I will gender reveal party was on a Sunday right after we get off for church we have dinner and start the game as I was watching my mama plan and write down invitation and mail them to everyone I was so overwhelmed because I was also planning my wedding for next year John told me not to worry about that he got the wedding under control so I wouldn't have to stress. Today is the day where I go to my doctor's appointment and find out what I'm having but instead of me finding out they would put it in an envelope and give it to my mom and my mom have to bring it somewhere she cannot open it so I have my brother Brian to make sure that she wouldn't open it and my dad to my mom can't hold water for nothing when she found out I was pregnant she ran and told the whole world that she was going to be a Momo but I know she was happy cuz this was her first grandchild from her only daughter.


The six months have passed and Brandy wasn't feeling good for the past month until we found out she was 20 weeks pregnant my eyes lit up and I was so happy I guess we conceived three weeks after the fight but I'm glad my baby's healthy knowing that twins run in my family but she don't know that I do and I hope she only have one cuz I can't deal with two her mom was so happy and was hugging me thanking me for putting the baby in her she always wanted a grandchild she even booked her for a grandchild but I guess the timing wasn't right for her to have a baby and you know what they say you have to find your mr. Right or when time is dude that God wanted to give you a baby he will.

I'm in the kitchen making sure I prepare all her favorite meals of the meals that she want me to get my fiance crave the weirdest stuff for a pregnant person then sometime when she don't have a way she just sit there and cry and say that she's fat but I tried to encourage her and say no baby you're not fat you're beautiful and growing a healthy little boy girl or maybe both when I said both she looked at me and likes boy stop playing with me the baby kicking my ass she felt so miserable only when she didn't have food when I give her her food she's fine and then 10 minutes later she in the bathroom throwing up as a good man good fiance to her I make sure I hold her hair back while she leaning over the toilet.

Sometime she would love to go with my mama and she go stay with her mama for a week she just like a big old baby but that's my big old baby I hired a hair stylist to fix her hair and take her clothes out for her to wear I even had a maid to make sure the house is clean and a butler to cook while I'm gone I don't want her to work at all I want to make sure that her and the baby is safe today is a doctor's appointment and I'm taking her and also her mama going to be there at 2 since I'm I'm going to have the gender reveal party we won't know anyting we going to see if the baby's healthy and fine at the ultrasound as I walk up to Brandy I see Brandi getting dressed and wobble then downstairs I make sure I follow her so she wouldn't miss her balance and hurt the baby and herself I have a room that's going to be for the baby but I need Brandy to go stay with her mom while I go ahead on and fix up the room me and my older brother and surprise her with it then I gave her some money to pay for everything for the gender reveal and the baby shower.


When Brandi and her fiance John had pulled up at the house I was too excited to see them was more excited to get this out the way to go see the ultrasound for the first time and see my grandbaby move and hear his or her heartbeat I was going to let the ultrasound tech know that we having a gender reveal party so whatever they find out it is they have to put in the envelope I know the perfect person who got the game set up I just need to get the paper and give it to the person so they can go ahead on and do what they got to do is already paid for already got the venue and the fool sorted out and then my daughter and her fiance don't know I got everything planned out for their wedding to everything all they have to do is just go pick it pick out what they want and what they like and it's on popping even though it's next year I'm too excited to see the new edition of the family I waited a year for this moment so many years I can't wait I don't care if it's a boy I don't care if it's a girl as long as they have 10 fingers and 10 toes that's all that matter to me I would love my grandbabies unconditionally even if it's 1/2 or million but we know Brandy don't want a million kids but I don't care I can't wait to see my baby is running around the house tearing up stuff but the most fun part is I really want to spoil he or she and bring them back today Mama the best part of being a Momo.


As we arrive to the hospital and find a parking spot John got out the car and went in the hospital and ask the nurses for a wheelchair cuz he did not want me to walk but the doctor said walking is good I guess by him being a first-time dad and all he don't want nothing to happen to me so I did what he asked and got in the wheelchair he rolled me to the elevator we went and took a seat and waited while he signed me in it had a lot of pregnant females a lot.

While we wait I was watching TV and then I got hungry so I made my mama run to the cafeteria to give me something to eat she came back I tow it all up then running through it all up this baby is cutting up I don't know why he or she won't keep still and let me eat something what a girl's to do I love my food for my goodness then I see my mama eating a pickle and I wanted that pickle so I took it out her hand and tell me another one my mom and John sat back and laughed at I looked with a puppy dog face why y'all laughing at me y'all know I'm hungry John look back and say yeah babe I see I see how you demolish the pickle you can demolish another pickle my mom look back that's how y'all got in this mess in the first time y'all sitting there eating each other pudding and demolishing each other pickles I love that Mama Mama girl you funny yeah yeah yeah but I'm happy I did do what you I did I can't wait to hold the little one soon.

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