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Bye-bye New Orleans


The next morning I ordered Brandy and I some breakfast, while she was In the other room packing up her things.

As I was on my laptop handling my work before we head home. I had a lot of catching up to for my cases and besides I also have a wedding to plan as well.

As time passed by it was time to say our goodbye to some of my family and friends. We was all packed and ready to go back home. I know Brandy is ready to head back.

John: "Bae, hurry up our driver is outside the hotel waiting on us." I said as I put my laptop in my briefcase.

Brandy came out the room with her bags. She looks so damn gorgeous with
white sun dress. We grabbed our bags and headed downstairs, where the driver was. Brandy got in the car and waited as the driver and I loaded up the trunk of the car.

I told the where we was going. All of a sudden my phone begun to ring and it was my mom and dad.

John's mother: "Don't forget to stop by before leave son." She said before I hung up
John: "We want, we on our way as we speak." I said and then hang up.

Once we made it to my parents house Brandy and I talked,ate,and then said our goodbyes before hitting the highway home.

**************************Home Sweet Home*********************************

When got home it was dark I told Brandy to stay in the car, because I want to make sure the was safe to go it in. I got on the phone and call my bodyguard to check our home. At this point I don't trust anyone after happened to my family.

When they arrived they check all around the house from top to down. "We're all clear sir" My bodyguard said. I thanked him and dismissed back to his duties. The driver and I unloaded the car and brought the bags into the house.

Brandy went in the house and headed upstairs. I she about to hop in the shower and that long ride. So, I decided to go into the kitchen and cook something good and quick. I look to see what I could find to cook.

Brandy POV:

I'm so, happy to be in my own house. When I got in the house, I ran upstairs to take a nice shower. God, knows I needed about right now from that long hours drive even though I took one before we left.

Grabbed some clothes out the closet and headed to the bathroom and started the shower. I grabbed my wash towel and my big bath towel. I hopped into the shower and started bathing myself really good until I felt refreshed.

After, I was done I brush my teeth and put my hair into a ponytail then throw on my clothes that I laid out.

Before leaving out the room, I called my mom to let her know that we made it home safe and that I will get the twins in the morning. I walked downstairs to see what John was up too.

John was in the kitchen cooking Tacos. I'm so happy he cook. "Baby, thank goodness you cook cause I'm starving." I said as I took my sat at the table what on him to finish up with the food.

5 Minutes Later

John was finish with the food and was bringing me my plate and he sat across me. We say our prays and started eating. John and I started talking about our wedding plans and he said he got everything under control and that he we get someone to handle everything and since that I'm pregnant again he doesn't want me to stress anything.

This man I love so much but now what I was going to do on my free time.

************Next Day***************

I went to my to go pick up the twins, I miss them so much and a week away from them was hard enough.

Arriving at my parents house I parked my car and went into the house. I saw the twins up just giggling at the cartoon, while my dad is reading his daily newspaper.

"Hey,honey, so how was your trip." My dad asked

"Great, we had fun and stuff. Also met his parents, some family members and his closest friends." I said as I sat next to him.

Elizabeth crawl up to me and held her hands in an up position. I pick her up and love all over her.

"I see you miss mommy very much." I said in my baby voice.

"She sure did." My mom said walking into the livingroom and pick up Jr.

My mom asked me about my trip and she told me about what the kids did.

After a while I thank my parents for keeping the twins for us and went to the car my mom help me get them settled in the backseat.

30 minutes later I arrived home and brought the twins into the house.

Sometimes I wonder why I was so blessed to have a good life. I know I not perfect by I thank God every step of the way.

John came out of his office smiling. "Their daddy little girl and daddy little man." He said in his playfully voice as he pick up Elizabeth and I pick up Jr. .

He loved over both of them and give me a some loving too. "Brandy, baby why you don't tell me you were leaving." He asked.

"Because, you was sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to wake you up so I left to get the twins." I said as I kiss his lips.

"Okay,well I call the Wedding planners and she would like to speak with us about the wedding to see what you want to do." He said.

"That good,so did you set up a meeting." I asked.

"Yes, i did and the meeting will be Saturday coming at Chili's at 7p.m. . He reply back.

Damn, he good at organizing, something I'm not good at all.

"Ok, well since that all taking care of I'm going in to the office today to finish up some more paperwork and check on my new client." He said and grabbed his briefcase and headed out.

I decided to watch TV with the little ones for a minute then put them to sleep, so that I could cook.

Looking in the refrigerator to see if I could find something to cook. "Just my luck." I said out loud to myself and now I have to go to the store to shop for groceries. But I didn't want to take the kids out again due to the cold weather outside. Oh well, just call for take out for tonight and tomorrow John should be off so I'll make the groceries than.

So, I pull out my book with all the food places and numbers then search for something to eat. While I was doing that I heard my phone rung, it was John. "Hey, baby I'm calling you to late you know I made it to the office and I was calling to check on my little family." He said.

"We are fine on this end, I'm looking to see what I could order to eat for tonight since I forgot to go grocery stores." I told him.

"Baby, don't worry about the groceries I can do that on way back home, you take care for yourself and my little ones." He said
"Okay,well I see you later on tonight." I said as I was still looking the menu book.
"Okay, baby my client just walked in. I'll call back once I'm done. I love you." He said.
"Love you." I said before hanging up.

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