Chapter 35

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Trying my best to hurry and found some clothes to throw on so I could go see what my gift is oooo I hope is more food I love food.

After I found something I quickly put it on then fixed my hair and put on my slippers.

I made my way down stair and told John come on let go. He looked at me and started to giggle like a kids as he followed me to the car.

He open my side of the car door to let me in then he made it around his side of the car.

I was so eager to see what he got me. On our mystery ride I sat patiently rubbing my belly and telling to my babies, hoping for some more food.

John looked at me and smiled then turn his head to focus on the road.

While he was driving all can do is think about what happened today and what John told me but the best thing for me to do is pray for them because what done is done.

I remain my force back on my new family that John and I have now.

Baby we're here I heard John said I look out the window at the ocean view and seen a beautiful light blue custom made yacht with my name on it in bold colorfully letter.

My eyes pop open like a kid waking up in the morning on Christmas day but I least I know who my Santa Claus is.

Pulling up in the parking lot my eyes never left the boat,my smile was from ear to I don't know where it end.

John got out the car and came open the door to help me out.

We walked over to the boat,I couldn't believe this is happening right now. I never been to a fancy boat like this at this moment I felt so blessed to meet someone who loved to share his dreams with me.

As we made our way on the boat the captain on the greeted us. The captain showed us around on the boat. They have all types of shiny things that my eyes was glued to. John showed us around bedroom and it was fixed of a royalty,just perfect for a king and queen like John and I.

I hoped in the warm comfortable kingsize, cover myself up with the gold and red silk sheet and dosed off into a deep sleep.


Brandy finally made it downstairs. I laughed as she wobbled to the car. I feel bad for her that she out of breath. And know she tried because she carrying not 1 but two of my prince and princess,then on top of that she going to school,working,planning a wedding with I told her she didn't have to they I got someone to do that but she got mad because it her day and she when everything to perfect for our day, cook and clean. Which again I want her to rest and take good care herself and the babies.

I let Brandy be sometimes I just let her do her. Made it to the car I opened the door for her and we drove to her surprise spot in 2 hour. I looked at her rubbing her belly and talking to the babies and 9 time out of 10 she talking  about food. Looked over at her and smiled then focused my eyes back on the road and listening to the music that was playing until we make it there.

We finally pulled up at the dock. This was the boat that I have custom made so we could take for the honeymoon but after bringing Travis to the house to a total on Brandy mood as a negative vibe in her body language. So, I have to make it up to her because I know she have the day plan just for us and I put work before her which is not cool in my book at. My future wife  and kids come first.

Brandy walked around the boat,her eyes was glued to everything. I left her for a second to use the bathroom and get her some food. When I came back to the bedroom she was fast asleep like a baby.


Wendy and I picked up and left of Vegas so we could quickly get married   as soon as possible and plot to make it looked like we was set up by Nick and Timaka. I be damn if I do time for them and if Wendy dont fo what I say she could go down with them also.

We hurry and grabbed our things and took the next flight to Vegas just the to for us. I didn't want anyone to know so I took our phone and broke it because I didn't want anyone tracking    us or us calling anybody to tell them what going on.

We got the plane and took our seat.
We listen to all the rules they give us and felt the plane taking off.

5 hours later we made it to Sin City were what done in Vegas stay in Vegas  and I know I was about to marry my worst nightmare but what the fuck we both got the same aids, so I make the best out of it and treat her like the the best hoe ooooh I mean the queen she so claimed to be.

Checking in the hotel on the 8floor to our suite viewing over the casino and shopping center was beautiful.
You only live once and I was going to live it big scene I only her a little time left to live.

I hop in the shower right quick and Wendy and I got dressed to have our mini wedding practice,then to dinner.

We both looked for our tuxedo and wedding dress so we could go to the venue the wedding. This wedding would short and sweet. So when we make it back home we could tell everyone at the family reunion that coming that we are officially married.

After we found our stuff we heard to the venue. I stood by the priest and watched Wendy walking down the aisle smiling. I wish it was Brandy but life is a bitch and I'm enjoying every bit of it.

When so finally made it I looked at her and see knowing in my head that I might just end both of us.

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