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Sitting up in the chair tied up in the middle I don't know where. Praying and hoping someone know that I'm missing.

Well sitting there all tied up all I do think about my wrong doing came back and bite in my ass.

Someone  came in built like two women in skate mask walk up to me. They didn't say much.

They both made eyes connect with me and the look wouldn't good at all. The looked was a deadly one and they walked around.


Brandy fell asleep on me as we where watching a movie but who could blame her. She had a long day and I did too.

I got up and when check on the twins. I made sure that the both was clean and feed.

My first kids are twins and now I have to get used to having them outside there mother belly and focus on them.

Once, we get Travis out this shit he in. I'm going to have a long man to man talk with him.

I know he in danger but fucked he put the  rest of us in it to for being irresponsible as a man.

It's time for him to grow up. As I got on my computer to check my email. I noticed that I had a miss call from Detective Jackson.

Calling him back to see if hopefully we have any information on Travis where about.

Phone Conversations started

Detective Jackson: "Hello."

John: " Hey, I'm sorry I missed your called, I was helping my fiance put the babies to bed."

Detective Jackson: " That fine son, but did found the location where he at."

John: "That's great news. So, were is he?"

Detective Jackson: "Well, John that's part  of the good news but the other part."

John: "What another part?"

Detective Jackson: "The part is he closer then you think."

John: "Huh, come again Detective."

Detective Jackson: "I'm on my way over now to discuss everything with you."

John: "Okay, see you soon. Bye."

Called Ended

Brandy walked down stairs wrapping her eyes. I hope she didn't my conversation just now.

I know it's wrong to keep secrets from her but I want her and our babies to be safe from all reasons.

Brandy: "Baby, it's late, why you not in bed. You have work in the morning."

John: "I know baby, but i was just finishing up some paper work and besides i got to get my mind off wanting to have intercourse with you." I said biting my bottom lips as I put her close to me.

Brandy: "Ooooo really." She said in her sexy tone of voice.

I kissed her and told her to go back to bed and I be up there once I was done with my paperwork but really to find out where the hell Travis could be at.


Paris: "Look baby I got this under control. Now I'm need you to stop before every one found out about this."

Mystery voice: "I know and your right but I want him dead and going so I can live my life with you."

Paris: "We can't just kill him and live happily ever after. Now fucking chill with that shit."

I walked out the abandon house and hoped in my car and drove off. Thinking of a plan to get him out of there before Uncle Chris and John find out and I need to move quickly as possible before my ass get locked up again.

This bitch betta be lucky I love her ass and how far I would go for our love and that means helping her get even with the one person she hate the most.

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