Chapter 12

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After from not hearing from Brandy for a while I went to the bar to drink to clear my head and I said to myself how can I be so dumb how can I let a good girl down how could I let a good girl go for a hoe. My phone started ringing it was Wendy asked me where I was I told her not too far from the house I don't know what she was up to that she was always acting suspicious when I ask a question but that's just Wendy for you.

If I could rewind Back Time I would have just stayed home like I was supposed to with Brandy studying for our test I can remember when we was younger we did everything together everything the good girl they called them and my head playing I couldn't see her with no other dude.

When I was at her mama house I noticed her mom and dad was kind of acting funny especially the mom is like she know where Brandy is she just don't want to tell me but I know is maybe not her place to tell anyone where her daughter is besides her daughter's grown I understand that they may not like me understand that Brandon might not want me back I grab my car keys and headed to the car.

While driving I thought about what could have happened if I didn't go to the party where me and Brandi will be at will we be married when we had kids we would live happily ever after but I fucked up by messing with her best friend and living in the gutter now but I'm still happy to be a father though I was thinking with the wrong head I was thinking with the head that was in my pants as the thoughts just going around and around in my head any lucky man will have her I was that lucky man but I screwed up and drinking and then a girl grind on me when I could have just pushed off.

While driving I cleared my mind through all the pain that I put her through and decided to go to my mom and talk to her.

While driving to my mom and and Dad house I decided to call my uncle to see what he was doing but he didn't answer I guess that he was doing paperwork out of town or something I don't know but me and my uncle is somewhat close we have grew up together did everything together on top of the trade him my uncle is a good man always work hard for what he want in life while I'll slept with girls and hang out with my friends as a high school jockey but my life took a turn after Brandy left all I could do was think about her the two years that she's point in Florida with her pops taken care of her grandparents in the weekends that she can spend with me to make sure that we see each other why she was gone I was too busy with her friend which that was like a stab in the back fucked up to but you live and you learn and I just hope and pray that Brandi have a change of heart and forgive me and take me back.

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