Chapter 42

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I can't believe this. What they did to me was wrong to me on all levels. I could have known Travis would do some shit like this to me. I my parents fault they always complaining me to good girls like Brandy. They always say Brandy is this and Brandy is that. I beginning to left out and begin to become jealous of Brandy.

She smart, sexy,and well put together. Now, I see why all the dude in high school want her.
She was too too nice and that why I did what I did.

I walked around the hotel room pissed to the max and pay back a bitch. How my parents could do this to me. I have enough of their shit. I want to the bar and start taking shots like no one business.

Then, I watched my husband leave to go God know where the he going. "I'm a hoe and show them better then I can tell them." I said to myself.

My father and I have unfinished business to take care of. I'm going to make him remember why we fucked behind my mother back to being with.

I found a nice lingerie in all black and heels to match along with it. I quickly hopped in a stream shower.

After, I shower, I got dressed and fixed up my hair and put on my makeup. Put lotion and perfume all over my body.
I sent my dad a text. Telling him that I need to talk to him about get some help I lied.

In grab my long black trench coat and put it on. Then, I take my husband black box that he brought and I took him 42 pistol out and put it in my trench coat with only three bullets in it.

I wrote Travis a letter telling him the I'm sorry for everything that happened between us. Then turn around and wrote Brandy and to ask her to forgive me for everything I do to her and how she was a good friend and person to me even tho I was a bitch to her.

I pray that God forgive me for my mistakes and what I was about to do the unexpected and unspeakable. Lord I hope my kids forgive me too. I love them so much but I got to do this.

I called an Uber driver to pick me up and headed to the hotel my parents was.

When the Uber driver pulled up. I hoped in and there I was going to end all drama.

I finally made it to the hotel where my dad was. I hoped out and tipped the driver and when in the front lobby and text my dad. He reply back the room number like he already knew what was up but he had no idea what was about to hit him.

Walking to the elevator and then to the room number he give me. I knocked on the door and waited until he opened. When he open it. He looked at me with lust in the eyes.

He let me in I walked around to make sure mom wasn't there. He looked the door behind him and when he turned around I shot him in the leg and then pulled him on to the bed and tied him up. I cut off his clothes. I climbed on top of him and started kissing him all over making his manhood stand up. I grabbed his dick with one hand and when to work. I suck him like no tomorrow. I want to make sure I give him the best of the best head ever have in his life before I killed him.

After, that I started running him while point the gun at him. I told him to open his mouth. I place to gun mouth and started running faster and faster.

I looked at him and said " Remember, how you use to fucked me like this."

I took the gun out his mouth and he nodded and said " Yes and I mess that wet pussy."

As I was doing what know better I seen my mom walked in on us as I kept running her husband. With a burst of laughter in her face. She started crying and I just looked at her and laughed then put out the gun. "Who the best hoe now me mommy. You know I learned from the best." I said then shot her in the head then turn around and shot my dad in his head. Blood spilled onto my face I lick the blood off my lips at the moment I looked like Rihanna off the music Bitch Betta Have My Money on the end her video.

I was done with my parents. I looked at their cold blooded body on the floor I pulled out cigarette and lit it and smoke my last smoke.

It was my mom fault for watching my dad fucked me like he did and calling me hoe like they did. I was only 16 when he took my life away from me. I was just like Brandy. A good girl I thought my life was perfect. I have everything planned out of my life. I really wasn't in to men like that. I was in love with a girl name Paris.

We would talk every day until one day she asks me out. We became closer in due time. Brandy and I was close but not as close as me and Paris was. Hell Brandy didn't know that I was gay.

Paris and I would spend time with each other after school and even made love she was my first everything. Until, my dad found out that I was gay.

He was heated and didnt believed that men and men should date and women and women should date. He believes that man and woman should be together.

When, I got off of school he take me and raped me over and over again then told me if I ever talk to Paris again that he would kill us both.

As the tears started to flow down my face and started to cry even harder. I picked up the gun and pointed it in my mouth and as the last tears fall down my face and then before you know it...............BOOOWW.

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