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Last night I slept like a new born baby after I got my message and felt like a brand new man.

As I got out the bed, I stretched and got up to get my things ready. Walked into the bathroom to take my shower for work.

Today was the court day and I was representing my ex clients, ex husband if you know what I mean.

Mrs. Jackson the about to Ms.Jackson was a very difficult person to work with from time to time due to all her sexual remarks and I told her multiple times that I was personally at my job when it comes to my clients.

I wash from head to toe then rinsed off and got out the shower. Dry off and walked into the room. Before walking into the closet. I saw my suit already laid out on the bed with a note from Brandy.

Brandy Note:

John,I hope you have a good day at work. The kids and I left to go see what my mom want, I didn't want you bother you,so I put your lucky suit on the bed,shoe on the drawer along w your suitcase and breakfast in the microwave with your juice and coffee waiting on.

Love alway, your wife.

After I read the note l hurry and got ready and once I was finished I headed down stairs and ate all my food washed up my plate and tried my best not dirty my suit,so instead I left the plate on the counter.

I grabbed everything and locked up the house and headed straight to the courthouse.

Arriving at the courthouse 30 minutes early is good timing for because I like to over the paperwork with my client to make sure everything is correct and straight.

Which I know that I support to do that in my office but to make sure we briefly over it just incase we didn't miss anything.

We spent over 8 hours in the court debating whether he kept and his hard earned money or spilled it with his soon be ex wife.

But soon as the case was over, I was to happy to go and celebrate with my family, but first I want to take a 2 hour nap before doing anything after a long day at work.

Driving home that all I could think about is a good nap. Thank God I only live 20 minutes away the courthouse.

Pulled up in the driveway and killed the car.  Hurry up out the car and into the house and jump into my king size and went straight to sleep.


My mom and I was looking at stuff for the wedding that would be here in two months and writing down the guess list.

I know John is taking care of the other things for the wedding and he told me that he got it but little do he know, it's my wedding too and want something small and simple.

As I was picking up my phone I saw an unfamiliar number pop across my phone and once I answered it. It was May asking me if I was available to come in and try on my wedding dress.

I told her that I would get back with her sooner today with that information.

"Mom, that beautiful I would look perfect with my wedding gown. " I said showing the tiara and the high heel.

Searching for jewelry to go with the gown until I found the one that perfect for me.

I find little neat gift for my bride maids and maid of honor to thank them for being apart of our celebrations in our new journey.

While  I was at it I made an appointment for ladies dress fitting in New Orleans,Louisiana and  see they want to do a girls trip soon.

I text all my bridesmaids and let them know about the dress fitting, and the girls trip.

The kids was playing in the play area with my dad and eating snacks as while.

I called the wedding planners that John and I hired and asked her to stop by my mom house and  then sent her the address once she agreed to come.

Everything is happening so fast and quickly, which makes me happy but also nervous all at the same time.

My mom and I finally was done making the guess list, which I'm give to her along with the menu that John and I  have put together.

I also have the things we want done for our wedding and if that being said we were pressed for time.

I let my mom know that the wedding planner and her assistants was coming over for the final review about the wedding.

We heard someone knock on the door. My mom asked the door and invited the ladies in.

They joined my at the table, I offered them something to eat or drink before we got started.

We talked about the wedding and put our notes together along with some of the ideas that John had to.

In situations like this most men or man wouldn't be planning their wedding or even helping.

Hear all the ideas that John wants for the wedding was almost closed to my idea and by the wedding planner adding a twist of both our favorite in their to make it work.

We trust her word about making our vision and dreams to life before ours eyes.

She was si organized that she emailed  me a schedule for everything we will be doing up til the wedding and spent John and the brideparty an email as well.

I got up and hug them both. They let me know that everything is going to be straight and I don't have anything to worry about.

So, I decided to call John and check on him. He told me that he won his case against Ms.Jackson.

John told me everything that she was trying to do by getting with him. Must men wouldn't put a woman in there place, instead they would play the little call lust with them until they  find someone who better for them or get caught up.

Deep down I want to know who she was and drag her ass up and down that law firm but John let me know that I was better and classy than that.

I never knew how protected we was over each other and how I feel safe around him, also reminded me not to stress because the kids sense off my energy and emotions.

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