Chapter 22

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While in the limo John and I sat quietly and just looked at every other. I guess he want me to calm down. I'm he upset about what happened at the because he wanted me to fight just wanted me to have a great with him. As I was looking out the window on his way to his house he sat close to me and put his hand on my face bring me face to him then give me a kiss on my forehead as the tears started to roll down.

John: "When we get to the house I want you to tell me what happened between you and my nephew from being to end.

John want to know but I can't keep living like this something got to give. I don't have shit for Trav anymore and that real. I'm glad my gut to me to leave him alone I should've stayed in Florida at less that was a fresh start.

I looked at John and hugged him and he said I know what your going through the same thing that happened to you happen to about 2 years ago my lit up and I sat up and gave my full attention.The car stop and we got out and to the house so that he can tell me everything from start to finish and vice versa. But before he did the that he want in the kitchen grab a bottle of wine and 2 glasses. He pour me some wine and he some then he started.

John story from 2 years ago.

"One day I was shopping for groceries and stuff I needed for the house as I was minding my business I bump into this girl her name was Wendy. We started talking as friends. We would hung out and chill. Then after we got closer in time. We had unprotected sex from time to time. Until one day she called me and told me she was pregnant. As a man I was happy because I always wanted to have kids I did everything from buying baby clothes to throwing a baby shower you name I did it. I was so blind by being in love that I didnt know she was sleeping with Travis. So I push that aside and what I have to do as a man but that still wasn't enough. Then I invited to a family cookout and bought her With me. When we got their all my people just looked at me and looked at Travis then before you noticed Travis was all in Wendy face about the baby. I felt so embarrassed I got my phone and called my assistant to sale all her thing I be damn if she kept my shit that I brought her so Travis and I told her we want a DNA from the baby at first she didn't want to be she anyway.

After she give birth to her son we both Travis and I did the DNA. Then a week the paper came to my brother house. My brother looked at me then looked at his son shook his head and to his son and I the paperwork and It said Travis is 99.5% the father. As the tears started to form in my eyes I held it together then up at Travis and told him the best man had won and congratulated him I was upset and heated and my brother felt the tension in the room. Travis started crying and look at his dad and told him what I'm do how I'm going to tell her. His dad said you need to her before Wendy tell her so he grab his phone and called his girlfriend.
I got up and was heading towards the front door and brother followed and talk to me and told me that my special is coming sooner then you think and that I was a good man and that they was going to pay for everything that I did for the baby. I give my brother a hug and left but that was the hardest thing that ever happened to me and until I seen you. Once I seen you I felt a strong connection between us and I wanted to take a chance so I did and what I see here my heart and my mind was right.

When he was finished with his story I felt bad for him but he controlled his anger but unlike me I let mind go In Wendy face. I guess when people push you to the edge and your breaking point people seem to snap and snap. I wasn't fighting behind Travis I fought her for my respect not behind no man.

So John looked at me told my store

Brandy story:

Travis and I was close to each other we knew each other since middle school. We always talked about anything and everything that you could talked about our time I fell in love with him and we gain each other trust. One day Wendy and I was kicked at the park and I told Wendy that I have a crush on Travis and he finally asked me to be him girlfriend. After Wendy started to at weird around me every since me and Travis come around me and kiss me she would make small comments under her breath and I didnt pay her not mind because she was my friend but I guess not then my dad ask me to moved with him to Florida to help him with my grandparents it was hard but my family come first so while I was staying out there I would come and visited him every weekend until one weekend I was visiting my mom and my phone rung and I was Travis I was happy to hear his voice and over the phone he was upset about something and told me come over that he needed to tell me something. In my mind I'm thinking he wants me to move back because he missed me. So I got here and I see Wendy in the livingroom watching TV with Travis as i walked in the house i spoke to his mom and dad. Travis where I was and told me to go upstairs to his room so I did as he say. When made in the room he told me to have a seat that it really important then he explained that he love and that I always stayed loyal to him. He said it's no easy way to say this but Wendy is pregnant with my baby and we together now at that moment I stood there I couldn't believe what I heard tears started to flow down my eyes and before you know it I ran out the house and hoped in the car with my dad told him to go I seen Wendy come the house and as looked I her had a smirk on her face turn back around and made my decision to stay in Florida forever but mom missed me so I moved back just for school and I was moving back to Florida.

After I was done telling everything that happened now he knew why I did at the party. We both was so tired we just when to bed in our party clothes.

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