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Last was amazing between Brandy and I. I'm happy that my parents love her just as much as I do and that all that matters to me.

Today is the I surprise her with her wedding dresses and let her pick out the one she like or love.

I have made some arrangements so her mother could be here for this moment.

Brandy was in the shower getting ready for the day that I had planned out.

I had a line of things that I had for us to do today and pray everything goes as planned.

I texted my brothers to make everything run smoothly before the day started.


Wake up this to a smell of breakfast and coffee this and looked at the time. I got the bed and saw a letter from with all the mini events that he had planned for us today.

I think its really cool to learn or know apart of John culture and family roots,maybe I can find something cool and add to the wedding.

Digging into my bag to find something comfortable to wear in the Louisiana weather which to me since i been here for the past couple day been some bipolar weather.

I turned on the news and watched to see if I could wear my sun dress with my matching sandals or tell John to pick me up something from the store.

But luckily for me the news lady said the temperature is in 70 which is fine with me.

I grabbed my things and headed to the bathroom to take my shower. I took my time as I soaked up my body and washed my hair in this nice hot shower.

Once I was done showering i dry my body off and put on my clothes. I blow dry my hair and fixed to my liking.

I applied my makeup and made sure it was prefix. I make sure I look good around John's family.

All done for the day that John have planned ahead. I put on my sandals and sprayed some of my Can Can Cotton candy perfume on me by Paris Hilton.

Walking to the dine area I joined John at the dinner table for breakfast. We blessed the food and started eating.

After we were done eating I decided to call my mom to checkup on her and the twins, which I miss dearly and can't wait to go home to them.

John came and kiss me on my forehead and just stared at me.

"What wrong, why you just looking like that for." I asked him. John grabbed my hands as he just looked in my eyes.

"You are the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on." John said sexuality which made me blush.

All I could do is smile from ear to ear. "John, thank you." I said as I blushed even hard than looked away.

Then I heard a knock at the door John went to go get it as I stayed in the dining area and finished up my breakfast.

"Brandy!!!!!" I heard my mom calling my name and tears started to roll down my face when I saw my babies.

"John!!!" I called out as I was walking into our room area and there I saw John standing in the room with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

John always finds way to surprise me everytime with the simple things.

With a big smile on my face I grabbed the bouquet and placed the flowers in a vase of cool water.

"John,sweetie what are you up too." I whisper to him.

"I see you got dressed up, beautiful, so meet me down stairs in the lobby in 20 minutes." He said and place a kiss on my cheeks and left the room.

I joined my mom in the dining area she was feeding Jonh Jr. his food, so I grabbed Elizabeth and checked to make sure she was dry.

I made Elizabeth her bottle and feed her.
After, that I put my babies in their carseat and headed downstairs to meet John.

Once I finally made it to the front lobby,John and I held hands, while the driver help my mom strap the carseat down.

John open the door for me and I got in and he followed behind.
He give me a box with pictures from our first date up til now and then told me to hold still and he blinded folded me.

He know that I hated surprise, the ride was quiet and long. The ride felt so long that I didn't feel the car stop.

I think I feel asleep and John was tapping me and talking me to get up.

John let me know that we was at our destination. Still with the blindfold, I felt John grabbed my hands and guided me out the car and to where ever he was taking me.

I felt myself sitting down in a chair that was soft and since my eyes was still blindfolded, I hear a female voice and then it got silence.

John whisper into my ear and took the blindfold off from my face. I looked around and saw all those beautiful dresses around the shop.

I saw John friends and family there to.
Joe and his fiance May can walking up to us.

John told me that May is the one who is making my wedding dress and dresses for my bride maids, I was happy.

I saw a three beautiful beautiful dresses in the shop that I never seen before and want to see if she could combine all into one dress that I would love.

Everyone was mingling and having a good time til Joe and Chris got up and got everyone full undivided attention.

Once everyone stop talking, the two brothers give their speech about John, which was nice.

John turn to me and said, "Brandy, baby I want this day to be a special day for you and take dress shopping, you can pick any dress you want with no limits."

He kissed my hands and pulled me into hug and held me tight and started kissing me with pleasure and passion.

"John, you say any dress right." I said looking into his eyes to make sure I hear him right.

Tears started rolling down my face, John wiped my eyes and kisses me again. I'm one lucky woman to have someone special in my life.

Our wedding is a month and half always and we still have a few more things to do.

John's little brother Joe offered to cater for the wedding.

John and I still have to pass out invitations, so we can give counts to Joe so he could know how much to cook.

Time is ticking and soooo much to do. I was too happy to get married but all at the same time nerves as hell.

I got up and thank everyone for their love and support on our journey to become a newlywed.

I pulled May to the side to talk about the design of the dress and to see if she make the dress how I vision it would look on me.

When I come down to wedding my family is very traditional. John wanna is me pick out a dress which I will to please him but them when our special day come show up in something new.

As May and I talking about the dress. She quickly drew up a sketch of all three dresses and her and her friend came up with a beautiful dress that look like all three in to one.

May and her friend is very talented and I'm pleased with what she came up with.

They told me not to worry about anything and enjoy the rest of my night with my fiance.

We exchange phone numbers and she gave me her business card and before I left she took my sizes and measure.

She also asked me what color I was going for but I never thought about it, so I told her that I would get back with her as soon as possible with the color.

We joined the party and mingled with the guests til it was time to go back to the hotel.

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