chapter 21

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When me and Brandy made it out the door I seen Wendy running towards us I tried to quickly stop it but as soon as Wendy jump and Brandy face. Brandy blacked out all I saw was blood on Wendy face as Brandy swang and popped up with the hand that she had the ring on into Wendy face.

Wendy try her best to swing back but Brandy had the best of as Brandy's Wonka from table to table popping her as hard as ever you can hear the pops across the room the people look and surrounded the fight then back up then Brandy got on top of her and started popping her some more you heard them licks left and right and popping up without saying the word I guess all her anger that they pulled through came out cuz all I saw was black and her eyes and like a devilish look in her face and I think she kind of smile and Travis move her off of Wendy then she started yelling at Travis and then Travis told her that she was pregnant and then Brandy flashback and say she wouldn't give a damn if she was carrying a dog everybody mouth drop some of Brandy friends look and never seen Brandy that way then Brandy walked up to Travis and told Travis that baby not might be yours it might be for my brother and that's when I stepped in and pull Brandi and put her in the limo and left.


As I was on the stage I got mad after what Brandi told me and started going off I forgot, what I said I was so made but when I saw her laughing at me I even got more heated I told that bitch I wasn't scared of her and I'm not scared of her so I hopped off the stage and ran after her. And as I ran after her I was thinking to myself sneak this hoe. But when I jumped in her face Brandy backed up and hit me with the lip hook I tried my best to defend myself and swing back but Brandy hit hard I never knew this girl can fight I guess all the anger built up after what me and Travis did to her and all the time I did her wrong when she did was help me I guess I deserve it but I won't let that slide and she punched and slid me all over the building in and out all I can do is think was cry Travis ran and pulled her off me as I was on the ground holding my stomach trying to protect my baby then I heard Travis  telling her that I was pregnant but she said she didn't care she said that she didn't care if I was carrying a dog my feelings was hurt I never seen this side of Brandy before but I pushed her to her limit I texted her and got a taste of my own medicine. But why she was hitting me I sent her smile a bit and kept swinging and kept swinging I try my best to swing back but I couldn't get no licks in.


While I was at the bar I was drinking because I just witness my uncle proposing 2 the girl that I wanted to marry but f***** up not my uncle is the lucky man and she lucky too cuz he's a good man I still try to wrap my finger around it and then I heard a bunch of noise I look on the stage and so Wendy jump off of it that had me second-guess if she was pregnant or not how she was running full speed through the crowd and who she was running to I don't even know but once I heard the crowd say oooooo I jumped up the door was so packed full of people and I was trying to see what was going on so when I got closer I seen Wendy flew across the room and Brandy jumping on top of her swinging all I could do is just stand that in shock I never seen Brandy this mad and this angry before never seen Brandy fighting my life I never knew she can fight I wonder if her brother told her 9 times out of 10 they did but he's one of the good girls she always stay to yourself and stay out of trouble.

I felt bad for Wendy at that point the crowd was all over just looking no one was trying to help Wendy everybody going live on Facebook and Instagram laughing and pointing fingers some of the females I heard said that's what she gets she always trying to fuck other female men and she have one at home or don't one at that I heard she was pregnant one girl said yeah you show us for Travis I doubt it probably be for Brandon but I don't know is it or probably be for Tyrone I don't know but the beat yo hoe and I'm glad Brandy is beating the shit out of is it true that Wendy took Travis away from Brandy yeah it's true one girl said and the other girl yeah I thought they was best friend nah they not best friend Wendy was just using that girl and will copy off of paper in class when was in high school and always talk about it to other people. I couldn't believe my ears but what they was saying probably was true I couldn't put it past Wendy.

So I stand there and watch her Brandy was popping her left and right sliding all over the floor just popping over over again and once I saw Wendy on the floor protecting her stomach while Brandy was hitting on the face with the ring her fiance just put on her hand and blood dripping down Wendy face as fast as it was. Then I look and to Brandy eyes and I can tell she was zone out like she was looking for blood so I hurry up and ran and put Brandy off me then Brandy push me and told me to get the fuck off of her and if it wasn't for me that bitch one have been in the position that she in now. I knew Brandi was telling the truth but I chose this life and put Brandy second while I was screwing the best friend payback is a mother fucker for Wendy.

As I pull Brandy off I told Brandy that Wanda was pregnant Brandy look me dead in my eye and told me she didn't give a fuck if she was carrying a dog that's when my uncle John walk then and pull Brandy and put her in the limo.

Everybody's stood and look at Wendy bloody face some of them started flashing pictures and pointing while help Wendy and walk to upstairs. I went to the bathroom and got a warm Rag and dumped her face then I asked her what happened and Wendy didn't want to say anything then I asked her again what happened then she said that she was jealous of Brandy and John taking the spotlight away from her she wants an ounce to everybody that she was pregnant but I shook my head the only reason why she wants to do that is to see the reaction on Brandy face and she got the reaction out of Brandy when she grab the mic and said what she said but Brenda ignore her and she still did what she did so I told her that's your own fault Nobody Until you to run your ass up there and get beat up knowing that you was pregnant you should have just stayed your ass on the stage and let them be but you didn't and you got embarrassed by thousands and thousands of people even Superstars you are an embarrassment to me and my son and I don't know why I put up with your shitbut I put up with your shit because of my son but now I'm thinking about just being single and taking my son with me and you can pack up your shit and leave once you heal and when you have my little girl I'm taking her away from you you are sorry and sad excuse of a mother and you ruined my life you ruin everything I have you ruined the relationship that I had with brandy because you was so jealous and conniving and you only want everything for yourself when you could have just been patient and wait for their your own you decide to take from people and it's cause you nothing but pain trying to please everybody and make sure that your life is perfect when your life wasn't you didn't tell nobody. I was beating on your ass huh but what about them niggas that you fucked time before that baby come out of you I'll be there for my DNA test because I don't know if that baby and if it is mine or not but your ass is grass anyway even if it's mine or not get prepared to get beat the fucked up and I'm not going to do you how Brandy did you imma do you worse than Brandy I might even kill you and I wish you would tell people that I'm trying to kill you it's going to be worse on you.

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