day 5/14

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the cover is marissa ranting so...
enjoy that_obsessed_person ranting.

lucy's p.o.v:

i walked into school and saw sting at my locker. i immediately went the other way into the library, i ran and hid.

two bookshelves were apart a bit so i ran in between them and threw my backpack on my head. i don't know why i was being so dramatic. i looked up to see my backpack being lifted off my head.

"hey lu," levy peered over to see me. "class is about to start soon, you should get to your locker and get your stuff,"

"yeah. i should," i assumed sting was gone.

levy helped me out. "alright then! i'll see you in algebra!" levy ran out the library and into algebra.

i walked out of the library and walked to my locker. sting wasn't there. i sighed greatly and opened my locker. i was startled when someone hugged me behind.

it was none other than sting.

"hey cutie, sorry i left last night. how about again tonight," he whispered in my ear.

i was getting fed up. "sorry, i'm busy," i said.

"aww, come onnnn," he begged.

"sorry i'm busy," i repeated.

"i'll pick you up at-"

"SORRY IM BUSY!" i yelled.

"okay i'm sorry babe jeez," he said.

"it's fine, just don't call be babe ever again," i grabbed my stuff and walked off."

"baby..." he said.

"nope!" i said popping the p.

i walked into the class to find levy waving me over.

natsu's p.o.v:

"thanks for doing what you did last night," i turned to gajeel.

"yeah no problem, just don't make me do that again," he huffed.

"understood metal head," i said.

"DON'T CALL ME METAL HEAD!" gajeel yelled.

lucy's p.o.v:

i walked to my locker once again to get different text books. levy walked over and noticed my suffering.

"he's still bothering you... isn't he?" she asked.

"yep, but at least we know what lisanna and sting are doing," i sighed.

"yeah, at least we know," levy said.

"did you drop a plate last night?" i laughed trying to change the subject.

"oh yeah i did! i thought he was going to pressure you!" she laughed.

"anyways, shall we head to our next class?" i asked.

"sure! i kind of want to be early so i can catch up on homework!" levy said.

"race ya!" i said.

"you're on!" she said.

"3...2...1..." we counted down and sprinted to class.

however, i was stopped when a figure pulled me to a dark closet.

you thought it was a cliffhanger!

"who the fuc- gEt oFf mE!" i yelled.

"calm down cutie," the figure said.

"STING! DO NOT PULL ME INTO DARK CLOSETS!" i yelled. i kicked his ass.

"okay cutie just give me a ki-" he grabbed my waist and closed his eyes. i opened the door trying to escape.

he opened his eyes and grabbed my chin. he turned it towards him as he closed his eyes again. i kept struggling to get off of him. i did not want his nasty crusty ass looking lips on me.

"dude, don't." a voice said. i looked up to see natsu.

"why not, she's my girlfriend after all," sting kept trying to kiss me as i gave natsu 'no-he's-not-my-boyfriend look.'

"sorry dude, but she doesn't want your crusty ass looking lips on her, so back the fuck up, before you get snaked the fuck up,"

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