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Your POV

It was currently the next day and i was feeling much better than yesterday. The headache was gone as soon as i arrived home. Even though i took another nap for a few hours untill Jihoon came home.

Anyways, this time me and my brother took the bus again since our dad had to leave earlier than yesterday. As soon as the bus arrived we hopped inside and took our usual seats.

"Y/n-ssi! How are you feeling? Does your head still hurt?" Daniel asked while standing up a little bit while Soyeon turned around and pulled him down again.

I shook my head "It doesn't hurt anymore, i'm feeling much better than yesterday so thank you for asking and worrying"

"I was worrying about you too! Probably more than Daniel!" Seongwoo quickly said

Soojin just rolled her eyes at both boys that we're now arguing who was more worried about me.
I took a seat next to her as she smiled at me. "Did i miss anything important yesterday?" i asked Soyeon

"Yes the teacher was acting all weird and freaked out when we didn't work in our books? When he wanted to watch a movie instead?" Daniel responded instead.

"Yes! My fingers still hurt from writing so much!" Seongwoo complained


We arrived at school and i thanked the driver before getting out of the bus and locked arms with Soojin & Soyeon as we walked inside the schoolbuilding.
We walked towards our lockers and put our stuff inside that we didn't need.
I saw Sungjae walking inside the building and he glanced at me. For some reason i felt something in my stomach... butterflies?

Sungjae smiled at me as he made his way over to me, i quickly closed my locker and turned around again seeing that Sungwoon bumped his shoulder with Sungjae's as they passed eachother.

Okay that's rude.

Sungjae just shrugged it off and continued to walk towards me with that cute smile of his.

"Hey!" he greeted me while ruffling my hair i swatted his hand away trying to fix my hair. "Yah don't do that" i chuckled.


I turned around and saw Jennie & the other girls standing there giving heart fingers to both me and Sungjae. I rolled my eyes when i saw Joy looking at our direction. Kind of looking hurt.
i totally forgot that she kinda likes him! She walked passed us towards our classroom.

The girls kept giving us heart fingers and i told them to stop as we walked inside the class.
Joy was currently opening the curtains since it wasn't very Sunny today. She turned around and glanced at me rolling her eyes before walking passed me towards her seat.

I took my seat behind her as everyone came inside the room taking their usual seats aswel making alot of noises. I leaned over my desk and tapped Joy her shoulder making her turn around to face me. "Yes?"

"Are you okay? You seem annoyed?"

"Oh you noticed, good." Joy rolled her eyes and turned back around flipping her hair in my face.
I just slowly sat back down in my seat frowing .
The door opened and Sungwoon, Jimin & Taehyung walked inside looking at me while taking their seats in the back.

in the corner of my eye i could basically see Sungjae giving them death stares. I just turned around facing the front while writing the notes from yesterday that i missed.

Suddenly Joy stood up and went towards the front desk and clapped her hands while putting a smile on her face earning everyone's attention.

"So everyone! The teacher won't be here today either, but we can't go home. So Minhyun-ssi is going to pass out paperwork for us to make" She explained while Minhyun stood up handing us papers and sat back down.
Then Joy went to my desk and put more papers on my desk smiling making me confused.

"And why does she have so many?" Soyeon asked confused aswel.

"Because she was abscent yesterday and we had alot of paperwork. She needs to do it aswel." Joy responded.

''I'll help you, don't wo-'' Sungjae began but got cutt off.

"She has to do it alone" Joy quickly said

"Why? We could we're allowed to make it with someone else?" Daniel asked

I glanced up at Joy as she rolled her eyes "She has to do it alone by the end of this hour, we have other work to do." she responded and took a seat again facing the front.

"Joy what the fuck?" Sungjae whispered.

"It's okay, i'll manage" I whispered and began to read all the papers that were placed infront of me. Suddenly a hand snapped the paper's away from my desk making me face up looking at Sungwoon that was looking at my papers. "Everyone can help her."

Joy stood up again and faced Sungwoon crossing her arms glaring at him "No she has to-"
she stopped talking and just looked in Sungwoon's eyes.
He then started to hand my work out to everyone in the class as everyone helped me.

I glanced up at him and thanked his softly before he walked back to his seat, i glanced at Sungjae and he just shook his head while huffing before writing down on his own papers.

After class i thanked everyone who helped me finish the paper work. They told me that it was no problem at all but i still thanked them.
It was currently lunch break and we headed towards the school cantine taking a seat with Jihoon and his friends as usual.

"So how was class noona?"

"It was nice" i smiled

"Except for Joy that was acting pretty weird towards her." Jennie responded.

"But then she stopped being weird when Sungwoon talked to her" Soyeon added

"Hmm that's weird but good" Jihoon replied.

"Why was she suddenly acting like that towards you tho? I mean Joy is actually a sweetheart!" Daniel asked

I just shrugged my shoulders.
I think she was acting like that because she's jealous that Sungjae is close to me already... but i don't want to be i trouble with her or have enemies..

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