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Your POV 

I woke up with a big pain in my head. I groaned and sat up.  Wait ... where am i? 
I held my head in pain as i glanced around, what happened? 

"I see that you had finally woken up."

My eyes widen as i saw i snapped my head to the side but in the progress i felt a sting. My hand quickly went to my neck and it hurted so much. For some reason my neck felt a little wet. 
I glanced at Taehyun as he just leaned against the door of the room with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"I hope you don't mind ... i couldn't resist to have a little taste" 

I glanced at my hand and indeed there was blood covering it.  He bit me... i saw Taehyun walking towards me and bent down infront of me to get in eye level with me. 
I quickly backed away from him. My back touching the wall behind me, i felt something next to my hand and looked down to see a death body laying next to me. 
I screamed on top of my lungs. 

"No one can hear you sweetie." Taehyun laughed and came closer to me. 

"Y-you m-mo-monster!" i whispered 

He growled "I know now let me eat i'm hungry"  he showed his fangs. 

I screamed again. 
Sungwoon please come and save me .... 

Sungwoon's POV 

Where the hell is she?  Minnie and Soojin called Jennie & Rosé a few hours ago saying that y/n never arrived at the mall while they were waiting for her. 
They thought she was just lost but after an hour and a half of waiting they knew something wasn't right! 

I punched the wall and Jimin came towards me patting my shoulder "Hyung, don't worry we will find her." 

"What if he has her?" 

I clenched my hands into fist at the thought of Taehyun having Y/n and sucking her blood.  
I kept punching the wall as Yoongi stood infront of me and pushed my back a little bit. "Sungwoon-ah you won't find her by just punching the wall." 

"I know!" I gritted my teeth while glaring at Yoongi Hyung, he just glared back at me. 
Suddenly the door slammed open while Jungkook and ... Sungjae ran inside of our house. 

What the hell is he doing here? 

"What is he doing here?" I snapped

"Hyung .... I know where Y/n is..." Sungjae panted trying to catch his breathe. 
My eyes widen as i  quickly walked towards him pinning him to the wall holding his colar "Where is she?!" 

"Hyung calm down" Taehyung muttered.  "Let him down'' he added pointing at Sungjae. 

I let go of Sungjae as he fixed his colar and brushed of 'dust' of his shoulder before looking at all of us taking his phone out.   "I got this message from this unknown number and when i opened it i.. uh" he turned his phone around and i heard a gasp coming from Rosé and Jennie. 

I gritted my teeth looking at the picture.  Y/n her neck was covered with bites and bruises. 
That bastard dared to touch whats mine. Now he'll regret it.  I glanced at the picture one more time and i recognised that place.. 

I looked up at the other boys before nodding, i glanced at Sungjae and just patted his shoulder. 
Seokjin told the girls to stay here with Sungjae and that he'll let them know if we have Y/n back with us. They just nodded and i saw Rosé let out soft sob as she hugged Jimin tightly .

"Don't worry babygirl, we will bring her back." he softly said before kissing her cheek.  

"Make sure to come back save, okay?" she whispered into his chest.  

"Guy's we have to go." Namjoon stated

Taehyung and Jennie hugged eachother as he joined us and we left. 

We walked toward my old place. 
Before going inside i looked at the boys, they knew something wasn't right. 
There was no one to be seen. I looked at the picture that Sungjae sended me and i knew that this was the right place. 

And i know that Taehyun knew that we were coming, he knows we are here already so what is he waiting for. 


Seokjin held his hand up for Jungkook to be quiet. He closed his eyes and then snapped it open before kicking something to his right. 
There i saw another vampire on the ground groaning as Seokjin placed his feet ontop of his head. 

The vampire was struggling to get out from under Seokjin. I walked over to him and bent down to be on eye level with him. 

"Where is he." 

"I'm not telling you!" the vampire chuckled 

I looked up at Seokjin as he pushed his feet harder against his head making the ground crack a little bit. The vampire gritted his teeth. 

"Last chance buddie... Where. Is.He?" 

"Like i said i'm not telling you." the vampire spat. 

I sighed and stood up turning around before making a gesture at Seokjin hyung. 
The vampire shouted as Seokjin smashed his feet as hard as he can against his head making the ground break fully. 

We heard someone clap his hands and we all turned around to glance at the person. 
"That was so entertaining " Taehyun kept clapping his hands. While Hojung stood beside him with Y/n who was passed out next to him. 

"What the fuck did you do to her?" I clenched my hands. 

Y/n groaned as she opened her eyes, she blinked a few times before seeing all of us standing at the other side of her. She lifted her head and i could see so many bruises on her left cheek. 
That bastard is gonna pay. 

I lunged forward but Namjoon stepped infront of me quickly blocking my view. 
"Get out of my way Joon-ah" 

"Sungwoon hyung, it might be a trap!" Namjoon said

I heard y/n whine and i tried to look over Namjoon's shoulder but he is like 20cm taller than me! 
I pushed him to the side and saw Hojung gripping Y/n's hair and tilting her head to the side to show off her neck before biting it. 

That's it. I glared at Jimin and he nodded before glaring at the other boys. 

Out of nowhere other vampires appeared and we all started to fight them. I dudged most of the other's because right now. My main one is Taehyun and Hojung.

I glanced at Jungkook who was running close next to me. 

That maknae is strong for his age, he was lunging towards Hojung who let go of Y/n quickly letting her drop to the floor with a loud thud and a yelp. 

I was so close to her when Taehyun grabbed her and threw her across the room. 
My eyes widen as i saw her fly over me. Luckily she landed in Hoseok's arms on time or she would have broken a bone by now. 

I punched Taehyun when he didn't pay attention to me and bit his neck as hard as i could ripping a little bit of his flesh out before spatting it out of my mouth. 

I then threw punch after punch towards his face. 

I heard a loud yell from beside me and saw that Jungkook ripped off Hojung's head and threw it away.  I glanced at Taehyun who just laughed at me before licking his lips.  "My little brother is still a monster." he chuckled

I gripped his neck digging my nails into his veins. "I'm not a damn monster. I don't kill innocent humans." i spat tighting my grip on him.  He was struggling to release my hands from his neck. 


New chapter! 
Tell me what you think already! 

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