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Your POV 

After i helped Seokjin clean the whole kitchen we turned off the lights and i saw that no one was in the living room. The house was extremely quiet now, the boys probably went to sleep. 

Seokjin walked me towards my room as he unlocked it and handed me the key. 
I smiled at him and said a soft goodnight while closing the door. 

Turning around i glanced around the room, it wasn't that big nor was it small. It was just perfect! 

I walked towards the window and looked outside. It was full moon. 

I patted my pants searching for my phone. I almost freaked out but then felt my backpocket and found my phone. 

I unlocked my phone and saw that i got messages from Jennie & Rosé asking if i was home safe. 
I responded to both of them with a simple yes. 

Wait ... they kissed Taehyung and Jimin? 
Do they know that the boys are vampires? 

I rubbed my eye feeling very sleepy and went to bed laying down under the covers. 

I sighed looking at the ceiling and closed my eyes. 

The next day 

I woke up to someone screaming and shouting around the house. I groaned and stretched my body. I blinked my eyes a few times to notice that i wasn't in my room? 
I quickly sat up and rubbed my face. 

I didn't move, just look around the room for a few minutes before finally hopping out of the bed. 

I ran my fingers through my hair and made the bed. 

I walked towards the door and saw that the window was slightly open. 

I can't remember me opening it last night. I just shrugged it off and walked out of the room closing the door behind me.

"Goodmorning noona!" 

I turned around to see Jungkook smiling at me. I let out a soft morning as he pulled me with him towards the kitchen where i saw everyone already eating breakfast. 

"Goodmorning Y/n-ah!" 


"How did you sleep?" 

"I hope you slept wel last night!" 

Were heard from all the boys, i took a seat next to Seokjin as he poured me some coffee to wake myself up more. I thanked him quietly and made eyecontact with Sungwoon. 

His hair was pretty messy. 

I gave him a soft smile as he just looked away from me. Okay rude. 
I glanced at the wall to see the clock and the hour. 
My eyes widen when i stood up quickly making everyone jump in surprise. 

"What?!" they all looked at me 

"We're gonna be late for school!" I explained but they all looked at me like i had 2 heads. 

"So? We are always late for school?" Jimin responded 

"Well not me! And i don't even have my uniform with me!" 

Sungwoon stood up and glanced at me slamming his hands on the table "Can you shut up even for just a minute?" 

I rolled my eyes "Fine! I'm walking!"  I then walked out of the kitchen towards the front door opening the door
"Yah Y/n! where are you going?!" 

"TO SCHOOL ! " i said slamming the door closed behind me. 

What was his problem?


Before i could go to school i had to go home to get dressed, i didn't saw any cars parked so that means that my parents weren't home. 
I unlocked the door and walked inside closing the door behind me. 

I quickly got dressed and looked in the mirror YIKES do i really look like that?
Whatsoever i'm already late! 
I ran out of my house and bumped into a hard chest which made me stumble backwards. 

I glanced up and saw Sungjae standing there raising his brow at me "Move!" I said trying to walk passed him but he gripped my arm pulling me with him. 

He opened the backdoor of the car that was parked close to my house and pushed me inside before entering himself buckling us in. 

"I saw you running towards your house like couple minutes ago? Didn't you sleep at your place?" he questioned. 

What was i supposed to answer, oh no i stayed over at the boys place last night because they wanted to keep me safe from danger because i was almost killed by vampires?! 

Sungjae snapped his fingers infront of me, when i looked up i saw that we had already arrived at the school.  "Let's go, we are already late" he mumbled 

Both of us got out of the car, i thanked his driver as we entered the schoolbuilding. 
I looked at my phone and saw that we were 10 minutes late. 

We walked towards our class and walked inside. The teacher glanced at the door and glared at both me and Sungjae when we had entered. I glanced around and saw that Taehyung, Jimin and Sungwoon were already sitting on their seats giving me a blank expression.

"Care to explain why the both of you are late?" The teacher snapped 

"Me and Y/n we're stuck in traffic. Not our fault." Sungjae rolled his eyes while holding my hand walking through the class towards our seats. 

"I'll let it slide this time. But only this time!" the teacher 

As i took my seat i glanced over my shoulder while looking at the 3 boys who were now giving Sungjae a death stare.  My eyes locked with Sungwoon once again and he rolled his eyes looking away. 

Seriously? What is his problem? 


The bell rang telling us that first period was finally over, the teacher walked out of the room leaving everyone behind. 

Someone tapped my shoulder making me turn around "Y/n? Were you with Sungjae oppa this morning?"  Soyeon questioned. 

"Aniyo" i smiled "We bumped into eachother when i was about to go to school" i added. 

"How does he bump into you when he goes with the car?" Jennie asked confused. 

"He saw me?" I responded kind of confused on why they were asking about him



"Do you perhaps like Sungjae?" Jennie & Soyeon asked at the same time whispering. 

My eyes widen in shock as i quickly shook my head moving my hands in a quick motion. 
"I don't!" i quickly responded "He's.... just a friend?" i added

"Just a friend my ass" i heard someone mutter. 

I glanced behind Jennie and saw Jimin & Taehyung glancing at me while quickly pointing at Sungwoon who was now laying down on his desk.

Vampire ~ Ha SungwoonWhere stories live. Discover now