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Your POV 

We we're currently sitting in our class, the girls had asked me what Hoseok said to me but i told them it was nothing. Honestly.. i was kinda creeped out by that question. 
Like can't he ask for my name first or something? 

I snapped out of my thoughts when Joy and Sungjae we're snapping their fingers infront of my face, i blinked my eyes a few times as they looked at me confused. "Are you okay? You have been daydreaming alot now?" Joy asked. 

"I'm fine, sorry i think i didn't sleep good last night" i chuckled softly and glanced over my shoulder to see Sungwoon again staring in my direction. 

What was his problem? Why is it everytime i turn my head he's looking at me or in my direction? 
Sungjae then tapped my shoulder, when i turned my face in his direction i jumped in surprise when i saw that our faces for like extremely close. 

"Yah don't do that!" I laughed backing away a little bit as he did the same.

"Sorry, just i was calling your name for many times but you were busy looking at Sungwoon hyung" 

My eyes widen and i quickly covered his mouth, he was being to loud and what if everyone in class heard what he said. I gave him an angry stare as he just laughed behind my hand. 
I removed my hand and told him to be more quiet. 

"Sorry~" he singed

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest "So what did you wanted to say? Since you tapped my shoulder?" 

"I kinda forget" he scratched the back of his neck. 

Soon the teacher came into the classroom and we all faced the front paying attention to whatever the teacher is telling us. 
In the corner of my eye i saw Sungjae placing his head on his desk, probably going to take a 'nap' 
I tried to focus on whatever the teacher was teaching us, but honestly it was so boring. Why can't he be sick? 

Suddenly the teacher stopped talking and grabbed his head groaning. 
Minhyun and Joy stood up at the same time "Are you okay mr Kim?" they asked at the same time. 

"Yes, i just..suddenly have a big headache." mr Kim responded and smiled at us. 

"Do you want me to bring you to the school nurse?" Minhyun asked walking to his side. The teacher shook his head and told us to keep ourself busy before walking out of the room. 

That was weird, i was thinking about how he should be sick and now... he suddenly doesn't feel good. And yesterday? I wished instead of teaching the class we could watch a movie and it happened! 

I turned around and looked at Jennie "Girl i don't know what's going on but i need to tell you something." 

"Okay? And that is?" Jennie responded

"Yesterday i wished instead of learning in those books we would watch a movie and it happened! And now today i had the thought of why he wasn't sick instead and now the teacher is sick!" 

"Wait wait wait... hold up" Soyeon replied sitting closer ''What?" 

"I think i have powers..." i whispered

Suddenly i heard Jimin and Taehyung laughing in the back of the class, everyone turned to glance at them as Jimin fell of his chair holding his chest laughing while Taehyung was biting his fist trying not to laugh out loud but failed. 

"Hyung, what's funny?'' Daniel asked tilting his head to the side

"We just heard something funny" Jimin resplied trying to get up from the ground but falling down again ''I can't see while laughing!" 

Sungwoon stood up and helped his friend sit back down on the chair then glanced at me. 
Is he wearing contacts? He's eyes are a golden colour? 
He blinked his eyes and held his hand infront of his eyes while quickly walking out of the classroom. 

Is he okay? 

I followed Sungwoon out of the classroom and saw him holding his head while leaning against the lockers. I quickly walked up to him and he flinched "YAH!" he held his eyes closed. 

"Sungwoon-ssi are you okay?" 

"Yes i'm fine, you can go now." he groaned while still holding his head.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to bring you to the nurse offic-" i held his hand and flinched. He was cold.. 
Sungwoon snatched his hand away from my grip and looked at me. He's eyes we're glowing and i backed away a little bit. 
"Just go." he hissed. 

What the f#ck??! 

He then blinked his eyes and groaned harder. I ran towards the classroom and pulled on Jimin's wrist making him look at me confused "There's somthing with your friend!" i exclaimed and he followed behind me same as Taehyung.

We walked back into the hallway and they saw Sungwoon on the floor holding his head. 
They told me to go away but i didn't listen "What is going on with him?!" Sungwoon kept groaning while holding his head.

"Just go!" Taehyung snapped making me flinch "No!" 

Then my eyes widen when i saw Sungwoon's eyes turn red, i couldn't move..
His eyes locked with mine and he hissed. 
Jimin stood behind me and muttered an ''I'm sorry" before everything turned black. 


I woke up to a bright light that was hitting me right in the face. 
I blinked my eyes a few times before looking around the room, i noticed that i was in the nursing room laying on a bed. 

I saw Daniel, Jihoon, Sungjae & the girls sitting close to my bed. 
Sungjae saw that i was awake and nudged Jihoon's side making him stand up and walking towards me. 

"Noona! How are you feeling?" Jihoon questioned

I groaned and held my head "What happened?" 

"i was walking out of the classroom and found ou passed out with your head against the lockers" Sungjae responded

I passed out? 

"I didn't know you we're feeling sick noona, i was worried!" Jihoon quickly said. 

Soon the school nurse came and placed the palm over her hand over my forehead "How are you feeling Y/n?" 

"My head hurts" i whined

"Do you want to go home noona? I can call dad?" Jihoon asked 

I shook my head "No it's fine" i whispered  while looking at Sungjae and behind him i saw Sungwoon looking through the door that was slightly open. 

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