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I gasped when i glanced at the corner of the room, Sungwoon was kneeling next to his bed his eyes blood red while he was gulping blood packs. I glanced next to him and saw that there were a lot of empty packs laying next to him. 

When i stepped a little closer his eyes snapped towards me and he stopped drinking. 
His eyes turned black and without realising he stood up and hissed at me. 
In a blink of an eye i saw Yoongi and Namjoon ontop of Sungwoon struggling to hold him down. 

"GET OUT OF THE ROOM Y/N! NOW!" Yoongi shouted. 

I glanced at Sungwoon who was still hissing at me. "NOW!" Yoongi snapped and i quickly turned around running downstairs.  I passed Jimin and Jungkook who ran upstairs towards Sungwoon's room slamming the door closed behind them. 

I ran towards the living where the girls were munching on some cookies while looking at me. 

"What's all that noise upstairs?" Rosé asked 

"Something is going on with Sungwoon.." 

Seokjin calmly entered the living with some more cookies and patted my shoulder "Sorry you had to see that.." 

I heard a loud thud from upstairs and then saw the boys leaving the room before locking it. I freaked out and ran upstairs "What are you doing?! Why locking the door?!" 

"Noona, right now .... Sungwoon hyung... isn't" Jungkook cutt himself of and glanced at Jimin. 
Jimin sighed and patted my shoulder just like Seokjin did. "Right now it's best for him to be locked in the room untill he is back to his normal self." 

"He..wasn't drinking human blood.... right?" 

Jimin chuckled and shaked his head "Animal blood" he mouthed 

I sighed in relieve and frowned while glancing in the direction of his room that was now completely secured and locked.  "Is he gonna be alright now? What made him like this?" 

"He will be okay taehyung hyung gave him something to calm off and tomorrow he will be his old self again" Namjoon said. 

I nodded and gave them a small smile.
What happened when he talked to his mom. 

I heard banging noises against the wall and Hoseok covered my ears. 
"Maybe it's best if you and the girls leave for today" 

"But-" Rosé suddenly appeared standing next to Jimin giving him a little pout. "I don't want to''. 
Jimin cupped her cheeks and kissed her right in front of us. Hoseok suddenly covererd Jungkook's eyes ''Yah ChimChim! There's a kid right here!" 

Jimin gave Hoseok the finger while pulling Rosé with him while walking to their room. 
"Goodluck Rosé!" Seokjin shouted making the others laugh. 

"Goodluck with what?" I asked while glancing at the boys, their eyes widen as they looked at me in disbelief 

"DONT TELL HER LET HER STAY INNOCENT" Jennie jumped over the couch and ran towards me to cover my ears and glared at the boys. 


"Nothing nothing" Jennie smiled before glaring at the boys.  I smacked Jennie's hand making her just laugh at me before pulling be behind her to sit back on the couch.


My eyes widen as i let out a loud gasp and covered my mouth with my hands while looking at Jennie and the boys.  O mai god that's what Seokjin meant with goodluck. 


A few days later i woke up to the sound of my phone blasting "Fxxk it" by BigBang. I rubbed my face and blindly took my phone picking up the phone. "Hello?" 

"Y/n eonnie, would you like to hang out with me and Soojin at the new mall?" Minnie asked

"Fine at what time?" 

"Hmmm in an hour?" Minnie questioned 

"Okay i'll see you at the entrance of the new mall then." 

"Bye eonnie!!" 

I said my bye and placed my phone down on the nightstand that was placed next to my bed. I sat up straight and ran my fingers through my hair before hopping out of my bed. 
I looked in the mirror and jumped at my own reflection. I think i'll take a shower before going to hang out with the girls. 

I was so happy that we had a little break from school, for some unknown reason the school got locked down and all students were free. 

I took out my favourite Shampoo and conditioner while walking towards the bathroom. 
Not forgetting to take a towel with me ofcourse. 
After taking a shower and getting dressed i went downstairs, it was so quiet. Where is Jihoon and my parents? 

I walked towards the kitchen and saw a little sticky note on the counter. I dried my hair with the towel while reading the little note. 

~ Y/n , Me, your brother and dad are going to be gone for today. There is money on the living table. We wanted to wake you this morning but we had to leave quickly. 

We miss you! Love mom xoxo ~

They always leave without me. I grabbed an apple taking a bite from it as i placed the sticky note back on the counter. I walked towards the living and saw that she indeed left me some money. 
I was glad that my hair dried fast. I quickly pulled it into a ponytail and put my shoes on. 

I forgot my phone upstairs!  I looked out of the window to see that it was mostly cloudy.  Guess i'll be taking a jacket with me aswel. I ran back upstairs and grabbed a hoodie pulling it over my head before grabbing my phone and house keys before dashing back downstairs towards the front door taking the money on my way out. 

I locked the frontdoor and saw the bus passing by my house. 
Dang it, i just missed my bus and the next one is coming in like 30 minutes. 
Maybe i should just walk?  Yeah i'll do that. 

I put my earpods in my ears and started to walk down the sidewalk towards the new mall where Minnie and Soojin were waiting for me. I quickly texted them that i'll be on my way.

I placed my phone in my pocket and gasped when i saw Taehyun standing infront of me with that creepy smile on his face. I was about to turn around when everything blacked out. 


Vampire ~ Ha SungwoonWhere stories live. Discover now