564 26 14

Your POV 

It was currently lunch break. 
Me and the girls joined Jihoon and his friends again at their table. 

"Noona,are you going home tonight?" Jihoon asked

I smiled ruffling his hair "Ofcourse i am" i chuckled

Soojin placed her chopsticks down while glancing up at me "Didn't you go home after school?" 

"I did, but went out with the girls last night" i responded 

"Where did you go last night after we went away?" Rosé questioned. 

I smiled at them "I slept somewhere else" 

"Oh okay" Soojin responded

"Anyways enough about me~ Rosé & Jennie made out with Jimin & Taehyung last night" I wiggled my eyebrows at them

Lisa & Jisoo gasped 
Everyone's attention was on Jennie & Rosé now, their faces were probably extremely red by now. 

"So are you guys like....dating?" Minnie asked while sipping her lemonade

"Well ... Jimin hasn't asked me out yet.. BUT JENNIE IS PROBABLY DATING TAEHYUNG" 

Now everyone's attention was on Jennie giving her puppy eyes to tell us if it's true or not. 
well the girls gave puppy eyes. 
Jihoon, Daniel, Seongwu, Woojin, Minhyun & Jaehwan were just eating peacefully. 

"Yahh D-Daniel! Are you not gonna help me?" Jennie shrieked smacking Daniel's arm while he was trying to take a bite from his food. 

"My food~" Daniel whined. 

We all just laughed at him and i glanced up looking around the cantine, but i didn't see the boys since it's pretty sunny in here. 
I locked eyes with Sungjae who was sitting next to his friends and Joy. They we're sharing food. 

If only i could share my food with Sungwo-
What am i thinking?! 
Why do i think about him all the time.. 

"Noona, are you okay?" 

"Hmm?" I looked up at Jihoon 

"You're so quiet all of a sudden? You're not sick are you?" 

"Ofcourse not" i smiled

"I just realised that you have a bandaid on your cheek, what happened noona?" Woojin questioned. 

"I.. scratched myself yesterday.." i said slowly, remembering what happened yesterday. 
I glanced up at Jihoon, i can't bring my family and friends in danger. 

Someone tapped my shoulder making me flinch.

I heard gasps all around the table making me look up and see Sungwoon and the other 7 boys standing behind him. 

Taehyung walked up to Jennie and kissed her cheek making her blush. 

He whispered something in her ear making her nod her head fast.
He held his hand out for her and she grabbed it standing up. 

She then faced the table "I'm leaving with Taehyung oppa now" she winked as she left with him.

Sungwoon glanced at me and told me to follow them with Rosé. 
I looked confused at in her direction and she just happily followed them. 

"See you at home Jihoonie" i said while waving at the others. 

I stood up taking my bag with me while walking behind Sungwoon and the others. 

I could feel someone's eyes staring at the back of my head. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Sungjae looking at me. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when Rosé linked her arms with me pulling me with her where the boys are. 
We walked inside the halls and saw Jennie and Taehyung... making out again. 

"Y/n sorry that we took you away from your friends.. " Hoseok said scratching his neck 

"But we .. wanted to make sure you're safe.." Namjoon added 

I glanced at Rosé and Jennie who were now looking at me with a smile on their face. 
i pointed at them while looking at the boys pretty confused. 

"Oh they know about us" Jimin said

I glanced at the girls more confused on why they haven't told me that they know that the boys are vampires.  They just gave me a soft innocent smile.

"How do they know?" i looked at the boys raising a brow. 

"Rosé is my mate while Jennie is Taehyung's" Jimin answered. 

"Why are you guys keep saying mate? You guy's aren't werewolfs!" 

Sungwoon rolled his eyes and walked towards me while i took small steps backwards. 
I felt my back touch the lockers while he was just looking in my eyes. He placed both of his hands next to my face trapping me in. 

Our eyes locked for a few minutes and his eyes turned red. I quickly glanced down, i could feel my heart beating extremely fast at the moment. 
I know that he could probably hear it... 

He leaned closer while i was squeezing my eyes shut. ''Do i make you nervous?" he whispered in my ear, he then pulled away and looked at the boys and 2 girls. 
I peeked 1 eye open and saw that he was standing next to Seokjin & yoongi again. 

"Both of you.. never leave her side unless one of the guys are around." he told Jennie & Rosé. 
They just nodded their heads at Sungwoon then looked lovely at their mates. 

Jungkook came up to me and ruffled my hair then bent down to be on eye level with me. 
"Are you okay? You look pretty pale?" 

"I'm fine" i muttered

"Does your scratch still hurt?" Seokjin asked while walking towards me. 

I nod my head "It still stings.." 

"Let's change your bandaid then" Seokjin said and held his hand out for me to grab. 

I took his larger hands and walked towards the nurse room. 

Luckily there was no one here. 

I took a seat on the chair while he took the first aid kit just incase and placed it next to me on the table. He slowly removed the bandaid from my cheek making me hiss in pain. 

Seokjin came closer to my face and looked at my scar. 

"What the heck?" he muttered. 

"What?" i questioned. 

Seokjin didn't say anything for awhile and the Namjoon & Yoongi ran through the door making me jump up in surprise.

Yoongi bent down infront of me and placed his palm on my forehead. 
Then glanced up at the other 2 boys " Yep that's Taehyun... He poisoned her through that scratch." 

My eyes widen and i pushed Yoongi to the side and looked at the tiny mirror. 
I gasped when i saw that the little 'scar' wasn't that little and it was pretty purple & swollen. 

"What did he do to me?!" I spinned around "Am i going to die now?" 

Namjoon held my shoulders "Y/n-ah, you're not going to die ..." 

"Then... then what is going to happen to this?" i pointed at my cheek. 

"We just have to take care of it.. and clean it.." Yoongi responded while Seokjin was nodding his head. 

"Do you feel sick? Or do you feel a headache coming up?" Namjoon asked but i shook my head no. 

"I'm feeling perfectly fine." i answered. 

Namjoon looked at the other 2 "Then we'll let her wear make up.. bring Rosé or Jennie here" 

Vampire ~ Ha SungwoonWhere stories live. Discover now