i. dolor

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DOLOR: (n) a state of great sorrow and anguish
"Change can be frightening, and the temptation is often to resist it. But change almost always provides opportunities - to learn new things, to rethink tired processes, and to improve the way we work."

- Klaus Schwab


On a Saturday in March, Forks, Washington gains a new residence. Makenna Swan arrives in a taxi that has made the hour and a half drive from the Port Angeles airport. Recently orphaned, her new guardian is one Chief of Police, Charlie Swan. He is also the person who was supposed to pick her up this morning but wound up nowhere to be found which resulted in the nearly $100 taxi ride to Forks.

It pulls up in front of the Swan residence just after 12 and Makenna is beyond grateful that her Uncle Charlie had given her the address before this day. Aside from the rusted red truck in the driveway, no other vehicle is parked at the house, a sure sign that Charlie isn't home at the moment.

She has to assure the driver a couple times that she was alright and thank him a few more times for making the long drive. The generous tip certainly helped too. The man helps Makenna take her luggage out of the trunk and even carries it to the front door for her. She sends him off with another thank you.

It isn't until the taxi is no longer visible that Makenna knocks on the door. Ten minutes and multiple knocks later she finally comes to the conclusion that no one is home.

The teen can't find it in her to be upset with Charlie for forgetting about her and not being home. Back in Chicago, Dominic had been a detective and ever since she'd learned how to reheat food and entertain herself it became less of a surprise if Dominic didn't make a reappearance until the next morning. She hadn't resented him then and she doesn't resent Charlie now.

Just like Dominic had responsibilities because of being a detective that kept him away longer and meant he couldn't pick her up from school on occasion, Charlie had responsibilities that didn't allow him to pick her up from the airport. Plus, from what Makenna heard, her cousin who was also living with Charlie was going through some series problems which was only making things difficult for Charlie. It made Makenna feel a little guilty about popping up out of nowhere to stay with him.

With a sigh, Makkena plops herself on the porch and leans against the wall right by the door. The yawn that follows couldn't be contained even if she tries. The multiple flights from Illinois to Washington was exhausting and the taxi ride hasn't helped matters. Not to mention, Makenna never could fall asleep on public transportation or around strangers unless she's completely drained. All of that coupled with the sound of the pitter-patter of rain on the roof and leaves is what ends up lulling Makenna into a shallow sleep.

A car door slamming startles Makenna awake. She uses a hand rubs the sleep from her eyes, mind trying to connect the missing time from falling asleep to waking up. It takes her a couple moments for her blue eyes to notice the police cruiser parked on the curb and the man walking up the driveway with his head tipped down.

Charlie isn't wearing a police uniform like Makenna has been expecting. Instead, he's dressed in a nice black suit with his curly, brown hair flattened to his head and bags under his brown eyes. The light he remembers being in his eyes is strangely absent when he looks up. The moment he notices her is easy to see on his face which slowly fades into dawning realization of why his niece is on his front porch with multiple suitcases.

The cursing isn't a surprise - Dominic had been an avid curser, something that thankfully hadn't rubbed off on Makena - but it does prompt Makenna to stand up. She grimaces at the general dampness of her leggings but ignores it to go down the stairs to meet Charlie. He pulls her into a hug as soon as they meet, arms wrapped tightly around her and squishing her into his chest. The pressure and strength of the hug causes her to sigh quietly, something unfurling in her chest as she does. One thing she has been craving since the incident has been a nice, good bear hug. It's like salvation getting one after weeks without.

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