x. morose

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MOROSE: (adj) gloomy or sullen

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MOROSE: (adj) gloomy or sullen

❝ Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away. ❞

- Elvis Presley

"Jacob?" Makenna asks uncertainty, eyes moving between the silver Volvo and the boy beside her.

Jacob's jaw is clenched, his knuckles white-knuckled on the steering wheel and Makenna can hear it groan under the pressure. When he pulls to a stop behind the car, he's visibly shaking.

"Jacob?" she asks again, heart beginning to speed up. Finally, Jacob looks at her, a strained smile on his face.

"I'm fine Kenna, honest." She doesn't say that she doesn't believe him, pretty sure that her face says it for her. "I just have to get back."

"Oh." Makenna can't stop the hint of disappointment in that one word. She'd thought that Jacob had been warming up to her but apparently she's wrong. Great

"Not because of you," Jacob assures, somehow sensing what's upset her. "Just," his eyes cut to the Volvo again, teeth grinding together before he gets out through clenched teeth, "Complications."

Makenna looks at the Volvo too. She doesn't get what about it upset Jacob but she has a sneaking suspicion that she's about to find out. Maybe. Instead of asking or commenting further she says, "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow?"

Jacob meets her eye and his expression softens into a smile. "Yeah. Take care and get some sleep." He ruffles her hair and she's unable to dodge the attack.

"Hey!" She swats at his hand, a smile blossoming. "You too."

Jacob nods and Makenna takes that as her cue to open the door, sliding out before slamming it shut. The feeling of eyes staring into her back follows her until she reaches the front door where she turns to send one last way to the Quileute.

Makenna waits for him to drive off but he doesn't, not until a minute has passed and she hasn't made any move to enter the house. Finally, the truck backs out of the driveway and turns, headed back toward the reservation. It's only then that Makenna turns to the door, taking a deep breath as she inserts her keep and opens the front door.

There's a perceptible tension as soon as Makenna steps into the house. It sends a shiver down her back. The unnatural silence only adds to her growing trepidation and if Uncle Charlie wasn't in the house (the police cruiser a good hint toward that conclusion) and Jacob hadn't just left, Makenna might have considered asking Emily to spend the night on her couch. As it is, she only takes another deep breath, relieved when the voice of her uncle calls out to her.


"It's me," she calls back, wandering toward the living room where his voice came from.

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