ii. sirimiri

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SIRIMIRI: (n) a light rain, a fine drizzle
"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain."

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Mornings have always given Makenna trouble. Not the act of being productive, because once she was awake she was awake, but rather the act of waking up and getting out of bed in the morning. That's why every night before bed she puts her phone somewhere away from her with an obnoxiously loud alarm that can only be turned off by solving a puzzle of some sort.

This is the series of events that occur Makenna's first morning in Forks. It takes a moment for the alarm to penetrate her sleep induced mind. When it does, she rolls out of bed onto toes and fingers then proceeds to stagger to her phone on the desk.

Sufficiently awake and with a jaw-cracking yawn, Makenna raises her arms as far above herself as she can and stretches. From there she goes into a yoga routine, that usually changes monthly, to wake her body up along with her mind.

When Makenna is done with her yoga flow, she goes to the bathroom to do her morning routine before getting changed. Remembering the day's agenda, Makenna picks out a black dress with a simple floral pattern on the chest. Not being in the mood to do her hair, she grabs a scarf to wrap around her neck to keep the blonde locks in place. Makenna already knows that she's going to wear her favorite combat boots so the only thing left to choose is outerwear. A denim jacket and larger overcoat are her choices. Grabbing the two coats and her backpack, Makenna heads downstairs.

Charlie is already awake and sitting in the kitchen sitting with a mug of coffee in one hand and the newspaper in the other. The dark circles under his eyes are still there and Makenna thinks they might have gotten worse. She can't blame him. At least this morning he's dressed casually in jeans and a flannel.

"Good morning Uncle Charlie," she sings.

"Morning Kenny. How'd you sleep."

"Well, actually. I'm a little surprised." She begins making some toast for the pair of them, slicing up fruit to go along with it, and warming up water for some green tea. Charlie has thankfully stocked some in preparation for her visit. "How did you sleep?


Though Makenna wants to question Charlie, she decides against it. "Fruit?"


The water gets done first and Makenna puts her tea to steep at the table. The bread pops out of the toaster next and gets slathered with butter. The last of the fruit is cut and everything gets plated and delivered to table. One is placed in front of Charlie and the other where Makenna decides to sit.

"I was thinking," Charlie starts halfway through breakfast, " We should get you a check-up at the hospital before heading to the reservation. Just to get you a doctor in case of an emergency and make sure you're doing okay."

A small frown works its way onto Makenna's face. She looks down, focusing on her food while thinking over the suggestion. "That makes sense I suppose. I have all my paperwork upstairs. I'll grab it after breakfast. Thank you, Uncle Charlie. For looking out for me," she adds after a moment.

"No thanks needed, just looking out for my niece."

Makenna bites back another thank you and focuses on finishing her food instead. When they're done eating, Charlie uses his logic from the night before to shoo Makenna upstairs while he does the dishes. She goes reluctantly and quickly retrieves her folder with all of her documents.

Charlie is ready to go by the time she gets downstairs. As she begins to pull on her denim jacket, she remembers about the food. "What about the food."

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