xi. eumoirous

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EUMOIROUS: (adj) happiness due to being honest

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EUMOIROUS: (adj) happiness due to being honest

❝ Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything. ❞

- Aaron Siskind

"Hey Ken-ken," Embry says as soon as Makenna climbs in the truck, earning one of her best smiles.

"Hi, Embry. Where's Paul?"

"He got to drop you up so it's only fair that I get to pick you up so I beat him to the truck and took off before he could stop me."

Makenna bites her lip, a smile tugging at her lips. "That does make sense. How are you then?"

Embry hums, slowly pulling out of the parking lot, rushing to beat the after-school traffic. The sooner they get to the reservation, the more time they get to spend with Makenna. That and apparently Bella is back and Sam doesn't want any of the wolves hanging around Forks longer than necessary, not with the leeches back.

"I'm good," he finally says when they're on their way out of Forks. "A boring day at school. How was your day?"

"It was okay." Makenna licks her lips and looks out. "My cousin's back."

"Bella." Embry doesn't sound surprised and it has Makenna turning to him. Seeing her look of confusion he clarifies. "Jake noticed Cullen's car in front of your house last night. He was there when Bella left."

"Jacob knows Bella? You know Bella?" Makenna doesn't know why it surprises her so much that the boys know Bella but it does and it causes something uncomfortable to settle in her chest. Does Bella know about the giant wolves? Could Leah have been right and everyone is hanging with her because Bella wasn't around?

The look on Embry's face is hard to describe as he shrugs. "I wouldn't say we know her super well. Well, Jake does. After the Cullens left, your cousin was apparently super depressed. When Cullen broke up with your cousin I guess she got lost in the forest or something. The tribe was called to help Charlie search for her and Sam found her. We didn't hear from or about her for months. Then she started hanging out with Jake a lot. I don't know what really happened then because I fell in with Sam, Jared, and Paul. But after a while, Jake got to know Sam too and spent less time with Bella until she kind of insisted Jake tell her why he wasn't hanging out with her as much and hanging out with Sam. Before getting to know Sam, we used to think he had a cult - guess now we're part of his cult. Anyway, after that Bella started hanging around with us. Jake's been head over heels in love with your cousin and he begged her not to go to Italy after Cullen that broke her heart. She did and now Jake doesn't know how to feel but not all of us are completely happy Bella is back, not if she plans to hang around again."

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