xiii. limerence

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LIMERENCE: (n) the state of being infatuated with another person

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LIMERENCE: (n) the state of being infatuated with another person

❝ Traditions are our roots and a profile of who we are as individuals and who we are as a family. They are our roots, which give us stability and a sense of belonging - they ground us. ❞

- Lidia Bastianich


There's a tenseness that Jared carries around with him the next day, one shared by the rest of the pack. He knows it's a mix of the blood-suckers being back but also Bella's return and his girl being in Forks so close to the leeches without any protection.

The pack gets through the day even though to each of them it feels like it drags on. Class isn't given much attention and when the final bell rings, it is the sound of salvation to each teen wolf.

Paul, who shares his last class with Jared, pulls the truck keys out of his pocket as soon as they're out of the building. The pair get into the truck and are quickly joined by Embry, Jacob, Seth, and Leah. They stop by the Clearwater's place first to drop off Seth and Leah before heading on to Emily's house.

Sam is waiting on the porch when they to the house, arms crossed over a shirtless chest. He waits until everyone is out of the truck before giving out assignments. "Jared, we're going out now. Paul, be quick to pick up Makenna. We might not be doing anything about the Cullens but we're not leaving one of ours with them longer than necessary."

Not bothering to go inside only to come right out again, Jared flings his backpack onto the porch, his shirt following right after. His backpack isn't the only one that gets thrown onto the porch though and a yelled, "Embry!" has Jared spinning around, an idea already taking root.

The suspicion is correct and it's Embry's backpack on the porch with Jared's. Embry has stolen the truck keys from Paul and is slamming the door shut by the time Jared turns around. The truck revs to life as Paul reaches it and Embry pulls away before Paul can get Embry out. The last thing they hear is Embry yelling, "It's only fair!"

There's a beat and then Jared bursts into laughter, hands on his knees to keep himself from falling over. Jacob is laughing soon after and even Sam is chuckling.

"Cameron," Paul growls. He turns and lunges and while still laughing, Jared sidesteps the other shifter and lets the shift ripple over his skin. He mourns his shorts but continues laughing, running to the forest after shaking off his shorts to get away from Paul.

It's minutes later when Jared hears rustling behind him.

[Paul didn't appreciate your laughter.]

[No doubt. I'll take the east border?]

[We'll stick together for now.]

Jared doesn't argue, just bobs his head before taking off, Sam behind him and then overtaking him within moments. They spend the next hour running through the forest, occasionally looping back towards Emily's house. Jared is anxious and not paying as much attention to the patrol as he should be but he wants to see his girl again, especially with all of the leeches around now. He's anxious, sue him.

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