xiv. serendipity

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SERENDIPITY: (n) the chance occurrence of things in a beneficial way

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SERENDIPITY: (n) the chance occurrence of things in a beneficial way

❝ Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. ❞

- Edgar Cayce

Makenna hesitates for only a second before unlocking the front door. She isn't sure about what awaits her or how the coming interaction with Bella is going to go but there's no use dilly-dallying.

So, with a deep breath, Makenna inserts the key and unlocks the door, her other hand clutching the container Emily gave her. She'll have to remember to take all the Tupperware back to Emily at some point. Maybe on the weekend.

There are voices coming from the kitchen and as soon as the door closes behind her, it goes silent. Giving a small shrug, Makenna makes her way to the kitchen and the occupants there. Charlie and Bella are sitting at the table across from each other and Makenna gives Charlie a smile upon entering. It's easier to deal with what she's most familiar with.

"Kenny! Welcome home."

She takes strides toward Charlie and kisses his cheek before saying, "I'm home and I come bearing more cookies." The container gets placed on the center of the table.

"Gimme one of those," Charlie says, opening the container and taking out one of the peanut butter cookies.

"Save some for me, I want them with my breakfast tomorrow," Makenna says with a smile. Then she turns to Bella who's been watching the exchange quietly. The smile on Makenna's face begins to slip but she forces it to stay, giving Bella a small wave. "Hey."


The smile starts to feel strained and it drops just as quickly as Makenna's hand before it can turn into a grimace. Time to deal with the unfamiliar. "We didn't really get to see each other this morning but I'm Makenna or Kenna. Only Uncle Charlie calls me Kenny."

"Did you already eat?" Charlie asks, looking away from his cookie and up at Makenna. "There's some leftover stew in the fridge."

Makenna shakes her head, slowly sliding into the empty seat, fidgeting under Bella's continued stare. "I already ate but thank you. Cookies were dessert." She turns to Bella then and tries to break the ice. "It's nice to finally meet you, Bella. Uncle Charlie's always spoken very fondly of you."

"He's never mentioned you before," Bella says back, earning a wince from Makenna and glare from Charlie. "But it's nice to meet my cousin. How are you liking Forks?" She adds after a moment.

"It's nice," Makenna says instantly but then takes a moment to formulate a better response though Bella beats her before she can add on to her statement.

"Really?" There's a slight look of disbelief on Bella's face and it makes Makenna feel a little defensive even though she doesn't have a reason to be.

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