xvii. brontide

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BRONTIDE: (n) the low rumble of distant thunder❝ Feel all of your feelings but don't assume to know what they mean

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BRONTIDE: (n) the low rumble of distant thunder
Feel all of your feelings but don't assume to know what they mean. Allow the truth of each feeling to be revealed to you.
- Maryam Hasnaa

The next day, as rare as the occurrence is, Makenna wakes up late. She rushes through her morning quickly and presses a kiss to Charlie's cheek as she stops by the kitchen to grab her lunch from the fridge. There's no regret from skipping breakfast though she does make sure to throw a goodbye to Charlie and Bella on her way out the front door.

A grin is firmly on her face as she slowly jogs down the driveway, crashing into Paul's truck, taking a measured breath as she pulls the door open before climbing in. Paul is chuckling as she wraps her arms around her, legs still partially hanging

"Good morning to you too Little Wolf."

"Good morning."

"Everything good?"

"Had a bad dream," Makenna explains as she finally releases him and finishes getting into the truck. "Missed you too."

"Well I have a present from Emily." Paul grabs a bag from the back and hands it to Makenna and delight runs through her when she opens it to find some muffins inside. "Emily made those last night for you. Told me to make sure you got some."

"Thank you!" Makenna takes one out and bites into, groaning at the taste as it explodes on her tongue. "I don't know how I can survive without Emily's cooking," she admits.

"You and the rest of us," Paul says with a chuckle as he pulls away from the curb and toward the high school. "Everyone's excited to see you today. I have a project to work on after school so I won't be seeing you till tomorrow but Embry will be picking you up today."

"Alright, good luck on your project."

"Thanks. So yesterday went fine?"

Makenna nods, swallowing. "It did and I had fun too. It was weird not going down to the reservation and seeing everyone but it was nice too. I think we're friends now." Paul grunts and Makenna feels her face pinching. "Are you upset?"

Paul pauses before he replies. "The Cullens and us...we don't get along. I don't trust them, especially not with your safety but I'll get over it if it's what you want. As long as you know you can tell us if anything happens, with them or around any of us. I'll deal with it, we all will."

A small smile pulls at Makenna's lips. "Thank you for being honest. I trust the Hale-Cullens or at least Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie to keep me safe and I hope that eases some of your worries. But I promise to tell you if anything happens and to call if I feel unsafe or uncomfortable."

"That's a good Little Wolf," Paul says with a grin as he reaches over and ruffles her hair. Makenna pouts but she's smiling as well, hiding it behind a muffin. "And now that we're here," Paul announces as he pulls into the school's parking lot, " Make sure to have a good day."

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