vii. catharsis

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  CATHARSIS: (n) the purging of emotional tensions  

"When people express opinions that differ from yours, take it as a chance to grow. Seek to understand over being understood. Be curious, not defensive. The only way to disarm another human being is by listening."

- Glennon Doyle Melton

The first day of school is just like any other day, or at least Jared has to assume so. In all honesty, he doesn't pay much attention to what happens in his classes or to anyone for that matter. He notices Leah and Seth sitting with the pack at lunch and Leah's obviously strained control and even Seth's chilled out attitude but he feels detached from it in a way.

The only thing going through his mind is school ending and running patrol. His girl will be starting school for the first time in Forks and she'll be coming to the Rez after it. He's praying that she'll go for a walk, go to their clearing so he can see her again. All this waiting is making school pure torture in a way it's never been before.

When the final bell rings, Jared hands his backpack off to Paul and heads straight for the forest. Paul, bless him, doesn't question it. In the trees, far enough that no one will see him, Jared yanks his clothes off, wraps them in his shorts, and then ties the bundle to his legs. It takes him only seconds to do all of that and then there's a wolf in his place and he's taking off.

Running patrol is painfully slow and Jared steers clear of the area around the clearing or Emily's house. It's too soon and there's no way his girl is at Emily's let alone their clearing, not yet at least.

Finally, after what feels like forever, he makes his way to the clearing and to his delight, his girl is already there. She's standing in the center, head tipped back to the sky. Deliberately passing along the leaves and snapping twigs, Jared moves out of the trees. Unsure of how his girl will handle this visit, Jared lowers himself to the ground, eyes watching her carefully.

"Crook!" A smile blooms across his girl's face.

The excited call and hand she holds out are all Jared needs. Not waiting another moment, Jared pops out of his crouch and in a couple, wide steps he's in front of his girl, head butting against her hand. The laughs she releases are like music to his ears, her fingers bliss as they scratch his forehead.

Yesterday had seemed almost like a dream and it isn't until this moment that Jared knows for sure, is completely positive, that he's met his imprint. A second meeting is what Jared needed to quell that small spark of doubt he's been carrying around since he dropped his girl off at Sue's. Not even talking with his brother's today had helped.

"Hi Crook, how have you been?"

How's he been? His imprint is standing right before him! Unable to contain his joy, he yips, and barrels right into his girl. He doesn't give her a second of rest, nuzzling her face with his own before moving back only to pin her legs with one of his and lay his head on her chest. He's got a couple hours to spare and he plans on monopolizing her time. Jacob can handle patrol alone for that long.

"You could have asked." His girl is laughing and Jared doesn't think he can be any happier, not at this moment at least. She once again proves him wrong by wrapping her arms around him and running her hands through his fur. Those are magical hands, he swears it. "Had a good day I take it?"

Jared doesn't really want to think about his day. It was the first day of school and after that he had patrol. Plus he doesn't actually remember his day because he's been too anxious. He'd much rather listen to his girl talk about her first day; she's the one who started at a new school today. Instead of saying any of that, he just pushes his nose into her neck, enjoying the shiver and giggle he gets in reply.

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