xx. abience

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ABIENCE: (n) the strong urge to avoid someone or something

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ABIENCE: (n) the strong urge to avoid someone or something

When you care about someone, you can't just turn that off because you learn they betrayed you.

- Paula Stokes

The next morning, Makenna wakes up before her alarm has a chance to go off. Her sluggish thoughts shy away from the memories of the reservation from the day before and it causes her to curl into a ball under her covers. Despite trying to not think about anything supernatural related, Makenna can't help but think about the resident vampires instead. She isn't scare of them — the idea hasn't fully sunk it for her to have any fear of vampires quite yet — and while the Hale-Cullens that she gets along with are her friends, their betrayal doesn't feel as bad as the wolves' does.

What doesn't sit right with Makenna is that apparently Bella wants to become one and a majority of the Hale-Cullens want that too. She doesn't know what turns a person into a vampire or anything about them in general aside from drinking blood and who knows what the actual mechanics of blood drinking is true compared to fiction. Either way, it sounds like there's a possibility of it bringing danger to Charlie's doorstep and that Makenna just doesn't agree with that the Hale-Cullens and Bella are apparently alright with that.

Groaning, Makenna pulls the blanket even higher up, muttering under her breath and hoping all of her jumbled thoughts about the issue would go away. The obvious course of action however seems clear to her, she'll just have to ignore the Hale-Cullens and Bella to the best of her abilities.

One thing remains true about both sets of friends though, what good were they if they kept secrets that could put the last of her family in danger. A distant part of Makenna's mind acknowledges though, that werewolves and vampires aren't really something anyone could have told her about, not when she barely knew the Hale-Cullens and, well who would believe werewolves or vampires could exist.

An advantage to getting to school early is that there are few students milling around and Makenna takes advantage of the lack of students presence on school grounds to head to the library. She walks down the shelves, skimming the books and making a mental note of the ones that peak her interest to look into reading at a later date. That keeps her occupied until the first bell rings and she's off to trigonometry.

There's a tightness in her chest as she walks, only now realising that she still doesn't know how she's going to handle the whole ignoring the Hale-Cullens or what to say to them if she does have to talk to them. When she steps into trigonometry and sees Jasper sitting at his desk already, she takes a deep breath and avoids his gaze, fingers playing with the hem of her sleeve. The few questions that he asks her are met with with short answers as Makenna keeps her eyes on her desk, closing herself off as much as she can. It does the job though and after Jasper's initial first few questions, he takes the hint and drops all conversation. There's a twinge of guilt for the rest of the class but Makenna resolutely ignores it and as soon as the class is over, she flees from the room.

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