xix. virility

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VIRIDITY: (n) naive innocence

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VIRIDITY: (n) naive innocence

Hiding secrets and not being able to be yourself is one of the worst things ever for a person. ❞

- Grace Jones

Makenna wakes up groggy, hand haphazardly wiping her eyes as she rolls out of bed to stumble to her desk. She turns the alarm on her phone off; however once it's off, she's left staring at the device, thoughts on the stranger conversation she had overheard the night before and the subsequent dreams that had plagued her. The details of the nightmares escape her but she recalls seeing the Hale-Cullens drenched in blood and glowing eyes and growling coming from within the forest.

Taking an unsteady breath, Makenna sets the phone down and heads for the bathroom, Paul would be by in a little bit and she had to get ready. She goes through her morning routine quickly, pulling on some jeans and a sweater for the day. In a bid to avoid Bella, Makenna decides to skip breakfast and heads outside as soon as she gets downstairs.

Paul isn't there yet but Makenna doesn't mind leaning against the house as she waits for the familiar truck to pull up. When it does pull up minutes later, Makenna doesn't wait for Paul to fully pull up before she's approaching the truck, climbing in before he has a chance to put the vehicle in park. He raises an eyebrow but she shakes her head, giving him a small smile as she buckles up. The drive to the reservation is quiet as Makenna continues to play the overheard conversation in her head, unsure why she can't just let it go but something about it doesn't sit right in her gut.

It feels like in no time at all that they're pulling up to Emily's house and without really thinking about it, Makenna unbuckles and hops out of the truck, unaware of the frown on Paul's face as he follows after her. His look is mirrored by the others inside the house when they catch sight of Makenna's distracted look and similarly distracted greeting, eyes turning to Paul in an attempt to get answers. He shakes his head in response.

"Makenna," Sam says, stepping forward. She startles, looking up. "Is everything okay?"

Makenna nods, pauses, then shakes her head and then shrugs. "I think so? Edward was over last night and he and Bella were saying some weird things and I just haven't been able to forget about it."

Although she doesn't notice it, everyone in the room tenses and while it's Leah to speak up, she voices the question everyone is thinking. "What kind of weird things?"

Makenna huffs out a laugh as she shrugs again. "It was honestly nonsense but they were saying something about Bella wanting to become vampires like Edward's family and supposedly they had the other Hale-Cullens vote and most of them said yes. Like I said, nonsense."

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