xii. epiphany

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EPIPHANY: (n) a moment of sudden revelation

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EPIPHANY: (n) a moment of sudden revelation

❝ There's nothing wrong with a little agitation for what's right or what's fair. ❞

- John Lewis

On Tuesday morning, Jared has to drag himself out of bed, slow in waking and lethargic as he gets ready for school. The box of cereal and milk are waiting for him on the counter along with a bowl and spoon. Jared is grateful and presses a kiss to his mother's cheek before sitting down to pour himself some Lucky Charms. Two heaping bowls of cereal get demolished and it is only when he swallows the last bit of milk from his bowl that Jared finally feels awake. After that, he's quick to wash his bowl and spoon and put them on the drying rack before he's shouldering his backpack and calling out a goodbye to his mom on the way out the door.

Jared's been walking to school for a couple of years now and it's only after shifting that he's started to really enjoy the small journey. Ever since then, he's noticed, he's more in tune with nature in a way he wasn't before and because of that, being stuck in the institution known as school is nearly torture. Staying indoors for too long begins to grate on his senses and he begins to feel agitated. Jared knows he's not the only one who deals with feeling like that, the others have also confessed that even socializing with people outside of the pack and those who aren't in the know about the truth of the Quileute history feels tedious if done for too long. That's why personally, Jared doesn't mind the rumors that the pack is a cult or whatever people are saying about them because it's not like it's completely untrue, though he prefers the term pack over cult.

Eventually, Jared reaches the Quileute Tribal School and just in time. School is school and he drifts through it, sitting in the back of his classes. His seating choice is in part because of his large stature but also because the break seems to have given everyone amnesia and the whole pack is subject to the stares of their peers once again. It'll die down after a week or two back at school.

Paul appears during second period, giving the teacher a gruff half-assed apology before taking his seat. Jared perks up but a shake of Paul's head lets him know that Paul isn't going to say anything and that has him deflating in his seat again. He'll just have to wait till lunch.

When Lunch finally arrives, Jared claims the table the pack usually sits at and bounces his leg as he scans the arriving student, eyes searching for Paul's build. He wants to hear more about his girl and Paul taking his sweet time is slowly starting to aggravate him. After what seems like hours, Paul approaches with two trays in one hand, placing one of them in front of Jared. Jared does nothing but stares at Paul who looks away, placing a mouthful of mashed potatoes in his mouth.

Embry and Jacob join the table not too soon after Paul's arrival and with a smirk, Paul finally tells them about his morning with Jared's girl, including the return of the leeches which has the three other wolves growling under their breaths. Paul isn't overly eager to be sharing the news either but assures Jared that his girl seemed fine and will be by that afternoon.

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