xviii. frisson

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FRISSON: (n) a shiver of pleasure; a sudden strong feeling of excitement; a thrill❝ The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it

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FRISSON: (n) a shiver of pleasure; a sudden strong feeling of excitement; a thrill
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.

― Flannery O'Connor

When the rumble of Paul's truck cuts off outside of the house, Paul pulls himself off the chair he's been sitting on. "I'll see you losers tomorrow?"

"Night," Sam calls out softly, aware that Emily is resting upstairs.

"See you," Jared calls out as well, sitting at attention and waiting to hear about his girl although it feels like Embry takes forever just to come inside.

"How did it go?" Jared asks as soon as Embry steps inside, ignoring the chuckle Sam releases.

"Fine," Embry says. He makes a beeline for the table and picks a cookie off the plate. "Ken-Ken didn't seem that excited to go in though. I think it might have something to do with Bella." Jared frowns at that but Embry turns to Sam. "Can I borrow the guest room?"

"You don't need to ask," Sam says with a shake of his head but Embry just grins and shrugs before heading for the stairs.


"Night," Sam and Jared mimic.

The two sit in silence, Jared lost in his thoughts and Sam content to wait for Jared to speak first. Eventually Jared releases a breath and stands. "I think I'll head home."

"Jared," Sam says softly.

Jared looks at the older man. "Yea?"

Sam opens his mouth and then closes it, shaking his head as he stands. "Get home safe."

Jared cocks his head but nods. "Sure. G'night, Sam."

"Good night." And with that, Jared heads home, eager for his bed and for sleep.

The next day, Jared manages to intercept Paul before he makes it to second period although technically it counts as Paul's first class of the day. Paul speaks before Jared has a chance to say anything, his voice pitched low so no one passing by can hear them or the topic of their discussion.

"Little Wolf is fine, got to school no problem." A small frown makes its way onto Paul's face. "She's still not sure if we'll be mad that she's hanging out with the Cullens. I told her no matter who she's friends with, she's ours."

"Thanks," Jared says though it comes out a bit distracted. Jared pats Paul's shoulder once before he's heading for his next class, mind preoccupied with his girl.

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