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Chris Hemsworth as Thor Odinson

Chris Hemsworth as Thor Odinson

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Tom Hiddleston as Loki Odinson

Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk

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Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk

Tessa Thompson as Scrapper 142/Valkyrie

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Tessa Thompson as Scrapper 142/Valkyrie

Tessa Thompson as Scrapper 142/Valkyrie

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Cate Blanchett as Hela

Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster

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Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster

Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster

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Blake Lively as Freyja/Rey

Blake Lively as Freyja/Rey

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(About Freyja)

Rey never wanted to live in Sakaar. But when she found herself there, there was no going back. She was "potential" in the Grandmasters eyes. He wanted her to fight the champion or capture people who would. Being the Asgardian Goddess of War, she knew she would kill the champion. So she refused to do either because she also knew how brutal he was and never wanted to put anyone else in that position. But when another The Asgardian is captured and he persuades her to escape and go back to Asgard with him, she must choose to either fight the champion and the Goddess of Death with him, and go against her morals, or stay in Sakaar and continue to go stir crazy in a prison.

Important things to know about Rey

Name: Rey/Freyja

Alias: Goddess of War

Asgardian Powers (Enhanced Strength/Speed), Mediumship,

Voices of the deceased cause her physical pain. However direct contact with a specific spirit causes no harm.



There was this one book I found that I read all the way in legit a few hours... I loved it so much, and like I said, I started writing this whole book quite a while ago and I had no clue about the other one. (about the beginning of April) And I don't even know how this happened but we both have an OC that is sooooooo similar. Both based off the Norse Goddess of War and other things, Freyja. AND I SWEAR ON MY LIFE I DID NOT MEAN FOR THAT TO HAPPEN.

The book is Gladiators by -sebstan
Please go check her stories out because they are better than anything I could ever write in my whole life.

Oh yeah and I already informed her that our stories are similar and she's okay with it so no one can tell on me HAHA.

Okay I'm done.

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