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It had been years since Rey had been in a ship. Well one that was actually flying. She was standing next to Bruce's seat while 142 was driving the thing. Thor had successfully retrieved the orange and red ship of the Grandmaster's. "Loyal Sakaarians," the Grandmaster's voice boomed through a speaker, "The Lord Of Thunder and Reena have stolen my ship and my favorite champion!"

"Sad how you've been here years and the Grandmaster still doesn't know your name," Valkyrie said with a hint of snark laced in her voice.

To which Rey just rolled her eyes and quipped, "Yeah well at least my name isn't a number."

"Sakaarians, take to the skies! Bring him down," the hologram interrupted and he had a look of authority on his face. "Do not let them leave this planet."

The three sped up in their ship trying to catch up to Thor who was carefully weaving through the buildings of Sakaar. Suddenly, Another Sakaarian ship appeared in front of them as they turned a corner. The ship started shooting at the orange and red ship but missed. Quickly, 142 shot down the enemy ship.

"Good shot!" Bruce and Rey said in unison. They looked at each other, wide eyed. A little freaked out by the coincidence.

"Thanks," the dark haired girl said monotonously focusing on the task at hand.

She sped up even more so that the ships were lined up. The orange and red one above the gray one. Valkyrie reaches up to the side of her head rest, with a smirk on her face, she pressed a button. "Open the doors," she muttered.

The ship above the suddenly had two doors from the bottom of the ship open. The scrapper opened the roof of the ship. Wind flying through the heroes faces and hair. "I hope that you're tougher than you look!" The noise of the ships and the wind blowing telling her to yell.

"Why?" He asked, also in a raised voice. She looked at Rey, and nodded. Rey leaned down pressing a button behind Bruce's seat, Valkyrie also pressing one up on the console. Bruce was ejected from the aircraft and flew threw the open doors of the orange and red, hitting the ceiling before the floor. He started sliding out and scrambled to get his bearings.

Rey and Valkyrie snickered, "You're next!" The older Asgardian exclaimed.

Rey nodded, she was preparing herself to jump up out of the roof. She bent her knees about to jump off of the aircraft, but was quickly interrupted by red lasers flashing near the escape ship. Stopping herself, Rey cursed under her breath, "God dammit."

"Where are the guns on this ship?" Thor's voice came through the comm systems.

"There aren't any," 142 stated, "It's a leisure vessel."

"A What?"

"Yeah the Grandmaster uses it for good times. Orgies and stuff," she briefed.

Speeding up the ship, the girls passed the escape ship in an attempt to lure the attacker away from them. It worked. That is, until the ship was shot right in the propeller. 142 looked at Rey who didn't seem worried. "Come on," the blonde said pressing the button to open the roof again.

The girls climbed on top of the aircraft, still being attacked. Rey noticed a shot being fire straight at the Valkyrie. She gasped and stood in front of her ally. Crossing her arms she let the lasers hit her gauntlets. They ricocheted to different parts of Sakaar. She looked down to cover her face. "Go!" Rey exclaimed to her friend. 142 nodded and jumped from the white and black ship to the colorful one.

Rey relaxed a little knowing she was protecting just herself. She wobbled a little as the aircraft was still faltering due to the loss of some of its power. With her guard down, a laser hit her shoulder. She grunted and stumbled back a bit from the shot. Holding onto her now bleeding shoulder, Rey watched as another laser hit another propeller. "Shit," she mumbled. Running toward the edge of the ship she launched herself to the other as it exploded into a ball of flame.
Perfectly landing on top of the windshield she gave a small smile to her clearly worried friends and stood atop the orange craft.

Taking a running start she jumped off and onto an enemy ship. She tore out one of the ships engines, "That's for shooting me." Landing on another she blocked with her gauntlets bullets being fired by another as she tore up another motor. Sending a forcefield midair toward another ship shoved one into a building, "That's for imprisoning me." Chucking a large fireball at another, she landed onto one more, "Thats for not remembering my name."

"Thought you could use some help," Thor appeared behind her, throwing the pilot of the ship out. She noticed a few more ships than the ones she had attacked falling out of the sky and Valkyrie destroying one more.

Smiling, she jumped down to the cabin, where the pilot was, pushing a lever to speed the ship up. Just as Valkyrie joined the two, Bruce, who had to have been flying the escape ship, psyched out the last ship, allowing it to ram into a large rock.

Rey sped up the ship even more and looked at her companions. Valkyrie jumped up through the doors first. Thor and Rey next. They landed in the ship face-to-face. "Thought you died there for a minute," Thor mumbled with a small smirk on his face.

"You can't get rid of me that easy," she smiled.

He gingerly tapped her shoulder that looked like the mix between a stab wound and a burn mark, "You're bleeding."

Shrugging, Rey playfully pushed him away, "I'll be okay."

"Guys! We're coming up on the Devil's Anus!" Bruce exclaimed, still flying the aircraft.

Valkyrie and Thor took Bruce's place in driving. They skillfully dodged many lost items ready to plant themselves in Sakaar. "Here we go," 142 said. Bruce and Rey were sitting in two chairs behind each of the pilots' places.

The ship sped up, about to go through a purple portal. Rey closed her eyes, wincing at the sights. It made her dizzy. It was right to assume that the others felt the same way as they were doing something along the lines of what Rey was. The scene before them got brighter and brighter, even through their eyelids. And everything suddenly went black.



I'm so close to done with this book and that makes me sad.


Off to write mooooree

Me editing: lmao sorry I haven't posted in a month... I literally forgot about it


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