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There Loki was sitting tied up in the green room. Thor picked up a random cylindrical object and threw it at his brother, allowing it to hit his head. "Ow," the younger one mumbled.

"Just has to be sure," Thor said.

Bruce adjusted the crotch of his pants and cautiously walked in. "Hello, Bruce," Loki said a small smirk on his face.

Bruce stepped slightly closer to the prisoner, "So, last time I saw you, you were trying to kill everybody. Where are you at these day?"

"It varies from moment to moment," the god said monotonously. Bruce's eyes widened a little.

Thor walked over to a table where 142 had just set a blade in a teal cloth. "Is that a dragonfang?"

"It is."

"Oh my god," he pulled the sword out of the sheath and gazed at it. "This is the famed sword of the Valkyrie."

She ignored the heir and started speaking escape strategies, "So, Sakaar and Asgard are about as far apart as any two known systems... Our best bet is a wormhole just outside of city limits. Refuel on Xandar, and we can be back in Asgard in 18 months."

"18 months?!" Rey exclaimed.

"Nope." Thor started, "We're going through the big one." He pointed to the giant, red, gaping hole across the city with the blue sword.

"The Devil's Anus?" 142 asked.

Bruce popped up out of the kitchen with something in his mouth, "Anus? Wait, wait, wait, Whose anus?"

Thor looked back at his friend, "For the record, I didn't know it was called that when I picked it."

"That looks like a collapsing neutron star," Bruce said walking toward the window, "inside of an Einstein-Rosen bridge."

"We're gonna need another ship," the Valkyrie said grabbing a bottle full of some sort of alcohol, "That will tear mine to pieces."

"She's right, we'll need one that can withstand the geodetic strain from the singularity," Rey cut in.

"And one that has an offline power steering system that can also function without the onboard computer," Bruce added.

142 nodded quickly, "And it needs cup holders because we're gonna die. So, Drinks!"

Bruce watched as she walked back to the kitchen, "Do I know you? I feel like I know you."

"I feel like I know you too, it's weird," she replied. Rey and Thor gave each other a knowing look.

Thor looked at his friend, "So, what do you say? Uncharted metagalactic travel through a volatile cosmic gateway. Talk about an adventure." He held up a fist and Bruce hit it with his hand rather than giving him a fist bump.

"There are one of two ships. Absolute, top-of-the-line models..."

"I don't mean to impose..." Loki's interruption was interrupted by a bottle being thrown at him. The glass breaking against the wall behind him. "But, uhh, the Grandmaster has many ships. I may even have stolen the access codes to his security system."

142's hand were on her hips, "And suddenly you're overcome with an urge to do the right thing."

Loki chuckled, "Heavens, no. I've run out of favor with the Grandmaster, and in exchange for the codes and access to the ships. I'm asking for safe passage through the Anus."

"You're telling us, that you can get us access into the garage without setting off any alarms?" Thor asked.

"Yes, Brother, I can."

"Okay, can I just... a quick FYI," Bruce interrupted. "I was talking to him just a couple minutes ago and he was totally ready to kill any of us."

"Yeah, I mean, Bruce has a point. I've never interacted with him personally but I do remember him being locked up for his attack on Midgard," Rey said, with a quiet, serious tone. The four were stood close together to minimize the chances of Loki hearing them.

143 nodded, "He did try to kill me."

"Yes, me too, on many, many occasions," Thor glances back at his brother, "There was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes." He looked back to the group, "So I went to pick up the snake to admire it, and he transformed back into himself and he was like 'Yeah! It's me!' And then he stabbed me." Bruce looked back at Loki with a worried face, "We were eight at the time."

"Quite the story," Rey said looking at the younger prince, who was smiling. Making it apparent that he still found the joke funny.

"If we're boosting a ship, we're gonna need to draw some guards away from the palace," 142 explained.

Loki then spoke again, "Why not set the beast loose." He said referring to Hulk.

"Shut up," Thor said bluntly.

142 looked at Rey then at Thor, "You guys have a beast?" She asked with an impresses smile on her face.

"No, there's no beast," Thor said.

"Yeah, no, he's just being stupid," Rey added.

"We're going to start a revolution," Thor declared glancing at Rey. She smiled sadly thinking about her friends who were unfortunately still locked up.

"Revolution?" Banner asked.

"I'll explain later," Thor said simply.

"Who is this guy again?" 142 looked at Bruce, then to Thor and Rey.

"I'll explain later," Thor repeated.

Rey and 142 were walking briskly through the halls of the Sakaarian palace. A route Rey knew all too well. When they neared the door they needed to go through Rey heard footsteps behind her. The two stopped, "You go ahead, I'll fend them off," Rey said.

142 nodded, the blonde turned around to face the small army of guards approaching her. She felt her hands heat up, trying her best to cool off not to kill anyone. But it was too late, they were walking too quick. The started shooting their guns. With the flick of a hand a forcefield was sent toward the ammunition, ricocheting it back toward the guard. A few more with long range weapons appeared but before the could shoot, she let out a few flaming projectiles.

She came face-to-face with some more guards as a loud explosion was heard. She punch one in the face and kicked another in the stomach. They tried their hardest, but were no match to the Goddess of War.

Finishing off the last of this group of guards Rey stood, looking at her hands. She killed more poor souls. She saw as the guards' souls left the few burnt bodies. "Rey!" She was snapped out of her trance. "Let's go!" Turning around, she ran in the direction the Valkyrie was heading.


[Past me]


Idk what to say now

I'm not doing anymore self deprecating because that gets annoying... even for me.

[Present me] 

And I--oop... here's me from 6 months later, here to say that this book is poorly written and I already have plans to re-edit it once the whole thing is finally out. hahahahaha.

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