{ epilogue }

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"Freyja," a singsong voice echoed throughout the black abyss.

Rey snapped her head in the direction of the ominous voice. Her face held a look of extreme confusion. She had just been walking down the hall of the ship and bam, now she was in a dark hole of some sort. She was almost walking on air, it was a solid surface, but she couldn't see it. Nothing was around her. And the voice had yet to say anything else.

"Freyja!" The voice said again, this time in a harsher tone. She abruptly turned around again and spotted a gold metallic stone. Reaching out to touch it, she was suddenly pulled back. Now, being dragged on her back by god knows what, she started to panic. Squirming in the grasp of whatever was pulling her. Trying to grab onto whatever surface was underneath her. But it didn't seem to stop.

That is, until she saw an image in front of her. Souls. So many of them, reaching out to her, wanting back into the world. At least that's what she assumed.

She was standing now, and one soul held a hand out to her. Looking up at the person who was holding out their hand, she felt her breath hitch in her throat. "Father," she whispered.

"Take my hand, daughter. Before the inevitable," he said, the voice from before was his. He was trying to get her attention.

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